Monday, November 16, 2015

Twitticisms 11/16 - 1

11-16-2015 05:08:07 - Even though I get trampled every time, I will keep getting back up to stand against the herd as long as I am able. Think!
11-16-2015 05:06:59 - Where, oh where, is Elizabeth Warren? We need a woman who does not wobble under pressure and she is the one. Stand up, girl.
11-16-2015 04:53:09 - Was invited to join a group, Science and Race, which must come from nitwit who never heard of Shockley. So many people, so little thought.
11-16-2015 04:50:56 - Ithaka Blog: Justin Bieber, Stand Up and Be a Man: Now is the time and we call on Justin Bieber to exercise hi...
11-16-2015 04:27:53 - Ithaka Blog: Start Your Countdown Until the Hillary Clinton Flip Flop Comes: No need to hold your breath until...
11-16-2015 04:16:37 - Ithaka Blog: Blind Aggression Multiplies Faster than Thought Ever Did: Cat will never yield to this because Ge...
11-16-2015 04:00:59 - We must redouble our support for Bernie Sanders so America finally has a real President and one who thinks beyond his next bowel movement.
11-16-2015 03:57:17 - The Pentagon is so blind and so arrogant, they don't think this response was anticipated. They play chess like amateurs.
11-16-2015 03:51:02 - Ithaka Blog: Same Stupid Tactics, Same Stupid War: There is reasoned discussion until the killing starts and t...
11-15-2015 20:57:08 - Ithaka Blog: The Hollywood Squares War: China is reputed to be considering an attack in Syria because Chinese ...
11-15-2015 20:39:09 - The hot babe Twitter accounts are fakes with the profile for one identical to the profile another. Back to the Outer Limits with them.
11-15-2015 20:27:30 - Social Security Administration recognizes most in Florida are just about the same.
11-15-2015 20:24:03 - Delaware explains in one headline the Facebook phenomenon via @delawareonline
11-15-2015 19:43:26 - Ithaka Blog: How a Nuclear Explosion Really Looks: Someone posted a picture of a nuke explosion with red, whit...
11-15-2015 19:19:59 - China may join the revenging cluster fuck in Syria. There's no major chord, only a minor triad.
11-15-2015 17:06:50 - Marco Rubio said 'no refugees' but that would have been a bitch for his parents who left Cuba to escape before Castro take power.
11-15-2015 17:05:43 - Ithaka Blog: What's Hot on the Blog 11/15: EntryPageviewsWhat's Hot on the Blog 11/14Nov 14, 201557Twitticisms...

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