Friday, November 13, 2015

Teacher, Leave Those Kids Alone! - Pink Floyd (video)

This was not the Pink Floyd concert in which I somehow set my trousers afire.  Things were a little (i.e. a lot) different in much earlier days when there were huge flying pigs in the air and there was no predicting what may happen.

Note:  the pigs were not a hallucination.  Such things happen at Pink Floyd concerts (i.e. "Animals" tour).  As I say, things were a little different.

This is a continuation from the previous article, TEGO (Their Eyes Glaze Over), in which there's a bit of an outburst regarding the drugging of children for ADD or any of a number of real or imagined maladies in the new age of commercial psychology.  We strongly and vehemently object to any of drugging of children except for situations in which it is a case of clinical psychopathy which mandates some type of professional intervention.

In the view of the Socialist Left, teachers, in large part, are instilling obedience and compliance more than they create education and they are diagnosing psychopathy and / or sociopathy when they are not even remotely qualified to make such judgments and we see it relentlessly administered with the result of millions of children addicted to Ritalin and who knows what other of these designer addictions of the New Age.

TEACHER!  Leave those kids alone.

We don't need no education,
We don't need no thought control.

It's not so much necessary to teach smart kids as they only require directions on how to obtain this or that educational resource and they will generally educate themselves out of curiosity.  Much of my education came from science fiction because of the stultifying boredom of high school teachers.  They would have drugged me without any question as I got so fed-up with their pedantic and dull-witted ways I skipped much of my junior year of high school.  It wasn't motivated by rebellion but rather boredom.

They got their payback as I needed to graduate to get the hell out of there for university where I hoped to find real teachers.  The junior and senior years were done at the same time by going to school from 8am to 10pm and it amused me in the following Summer to meet one of those high school teachers attending classes at the same university.

The difficult kids to teach are not the Einsteins but rather ones who are intelligent but have no interest in physics or cosmic matters of that nature.  They will learn something if you make it interesting enough for them to want to follow it and you have to earn that.  It's not incumbent on the student to be interesting when the presentation is not interesting.

We of the Socialist Left demand quality education for everyone regardless of talent, capability, etc.  It is not simply a right but rather a duty for this generation to provide it for them, all of them.  To give them any less is a form of social suicide and you see all around the effect of soft education.

(Ed:  we don't believe in evolution)

Fine.  Don't study it.  We don't care what you believe.

(Ed:  blame it on Doctor Spock)

Blame it on the Man in the Moon because it's not even close to relevant.  The only salient consideration is what will be done to remedy the current situation in which are kids are taught the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance and they are taught religion isn't a philosophy but rather a shooting war in America between evangelicals and those who believe in freedom.

TEACHER!  Leave those kids alone.

We want education not indoctrination.  We could not possibly be more opposed to the pedantry of public schooling of religion, sex education, or any number of other secondary topics as they have become no more than political sporting events in which the children are used as no more than golf tees for the play of the adults who use them.

We categorically reject prayer in school or any other imposition of religion because it has no place in a free country in which people are free to believe whatever we damn well please.  Whether it's Christian or any other makes no difference, it belongs in the home.  This is not a War on Religion but rather a Defense of Freedom.  For everyone.

TEACHER!  Leave those kids alone.  At a minimum, stop drugging them for no other reason than your own incompetent abilities.

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