Friday, November 13, 2015

TEGO (Their Eyes Glaze Over)

TEGO is the phenomenon dreaded by the teachers in which the students follow you but their eyes are glazed by the boredom of the presentation and they are not really listening.  They follow you out of politeness or fear but they are not absorbing anything.

From this exercise, we see A equals B, yes?  We see B equals C, yes?  From this it follows A equals C, correct?



Screw it ... he's gone.  Algebra and mathematics can be fascinating but only if presented by a teacher and not simply a mathematician who teaches.  Smart kids won't sit still for boring teachers nor should they ever.  It's not Attention Deficit Disorder but rather shit teachers.  Get better ones and eliminate those drugs.

Teacher!  Leave those kids alone.

The problem in political discussion is always over TEGO.  The discussions between Kannafoot and my Socialist self use as few words as possible to make the point because both of us are clear too many words will lose the audience and lose the point.

This type of point / counterpoint dialog is not so uncommon but I've not found it particularly satisfying for television because the camera is a strongly corrupting influence.  It is of no significance what Kannafoot or I look like, the clothes we wear, or the cars we drive (or don't).  These things are irrelevant and only create words ... which people will never hear.

People are responding well to the discussion and I can see that from the readership but, note always, we do not know who you are and we don't know where you are.  Frankly, we don't care and we might if we knew you but we don't and anonymity is important here because we value freedom of expression so highly.  In the discussions you can see what I consider a fine example of that.  It's my fervent belief people are fed-up with being insulted by TV politics and are hungry for discussion with content rather than some yokel Texan going on about what he thinks of evolution.

In general, we really don't believe in political parties at all because we see only one real party and that's the populist ... which is us.  Anything else is necessarily not us and ... TEGO.

Note:  that doesn't mean any topic will be ignored but the focus for all is what is the effect on the people.  If it is not positive then we don't want to waste time on it.  Whether the position is conservative or liberal makes no difference except insofar as it serves the needs of the people and we mean We the People, everyone.  The measure of that service is, in the view of the Socialist Left, the only significant measure of efficacy.

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