Thursday, November 19, 2015

Galaxy Guitar Was Screaming, Dive Bombs All You Like

Can't do it for so long but strength is building.  I'll pay for this stunt later but, dayum, it feels grand.

Boss RC-50 replacement is fully-validated and time to notify the seller.  Thank you, bro.  Fantastical coolness you have sent to me.  Unknown if the older RC-50 is really fully functional as it hasn't been fully-tested but, as of now, it does not matter.

There was a loop using two voices on the synth and one from the bass.  Then over to the guitar and blow stuff up.  I could not quite handle lifting the Galaxy Guitar by the twang bar but it was immensely satisfying trying and drop down to F while plucking the bass E to flip it between E and F to make dive bombs which would blow up hell itself.

Yah, feelin' grand.  Arms hurt and gasping like a racehorse.  I will pay but I don't fookin' care (larfs).

The kit has been busted for so long as problems with the looper went back years.  That's why I never suspected the power supply.

And there's the possibility of blowing it to the Moon for thirty bucks.  It's going to take a rope to hold me down this time.

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