Friday, November 20, 2015

Elon Musk, Flying to Space for America

Elon Musk will fly astronauts to the space station and makes a new day for American space flight SpaceX gets mission to take NASA crew to space station (CNN).


some show patriotism in various ways and this is how I do it.  Leading by example means nothing if I don't show what it means to love some of things America does but have no use for waving flags.

I was twelve or thirteen for the first Project Mercury launch by NASA and my ol' Dad woke all the kids for them.  It was one of his best gifts since that excitement lives to this day.  (The reason he awakened us was Florida is on Eastern Time and California is three hours earlier)

To love America blindly doesn't mean anything to me as there seems to be no concept in it but in Elon Musk and that which he does is major substance and he turns that substance into action, hopefully to the justifiable pride of us all.

I see many waving flags without knowing and I also know you are not one of them.  I don't love all things about America and I rather doubt anyone does.  Loving blindly is, in my view, loving in vain.  I need a reason for that love and this is one of them.

Note:  Elon Musk is a South African-born immigrant.  In 2002 he became a U.S. citizen.  (WIKI:  Elon Musk)

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