Tuesday, April 11, 2017

These Ithaka People Are Inscrutable

There must be a varying crew out there since sometimes the science articles are the cat's pajamas but just now they get a reaction of polite interest.  This isn't a complaint as it's just novel to observe.  I can wonder for 2.7 seconds why that happens, see there is no answer, and move along to something else.

Ed:  maybe most come from Google

That's probably true since Mountain View is all over the Feedjit list and that's where you can find one of Google's primary sites.  It seems unusual that the requests would come from the search software rather than the originator but ... (shrug).

It's surprising to me since I thought the article on cystic fibrosis was highly blowaway and probably none of us is involved with the disease but probably everyone knows of it.  That didn't get people too interested, tho, so that gives some puzzlement.

None of this leads to any melodrama of, oh, no, I've got to change something since there's no way I can know if any change will be any good for whomever inscrutable people show up tomorrow.  Maybe they shift back and science suddenly becomes the thing again.  So ... no need for melodrama.

Political material usually plays ok but that may be why the science people split since they're also inscrutable.

People say all the time Japanese people are inscrutable but you bet they're not inscrutable to each other so turn it around and what do we look like to them.  Taking a wild guess, I'd say we look like a pack of hyper-emotional nancies to them.

Ed:  but we're more fun

Of course we are, Dagwood.  We have Disney World.

So there's your inscrutable class exercise to design Disney World as if Japanese engineers and designers had built it.

"I'm going to need to science the shit out of this" - The Martian

You bet you are, Herr Damon, since this Disney World is going to be out of this world high tech.  You're going to need to skate as fast as you can to stay ahead of this crew.

Ed:  how do you know it's not like a Japanese garden and it's just a bunch of rocks?

Sure and I bet Japanese kids will sure go for that, won't they.  The Rockhouse is betting it's so high tech it makes Starship Enterprise look like some old Schwinn push bike.

Ed:  you're trying too hard to prevent kids from getting bored but they're supposed to get bored so it motivates them to learn how to make themselves not bored.

No, in fact, I'm not; I just want to see them build an amusement park which is insanely high tech and doesn't bore the shit out of me like other parks of that nature.

Ed:  you think roller coasters are boring?

Extremely.  The manly way to go fast is on the road where you can get splattered all over the highway for it.  That's how you do it although I do recommend some effort toward avoiding getting splattered in ways I sometimes chose.

Then there's that spinning teacup ride and what kind of sick pain monkey invented those.

So, hell yes, I want to see that Japanese super tech amusement park.

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