Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Some Days in the Midwest Start Out Differently

Yevette was getting ready for today's excursion into Radiation Wonderland but the morning's have been especially hard lately.  Today she walked across the room next to this one and she said, "That bath felt fucking great."

I told her out here in Software Support that sounded really damn good.  I hear it when things don't go so well and that's gut-ripping stuff because I want to do something but I can't.  Today it was swinging in a whole different direction and hoorah.

I regret there's nothing much we can offer a support group but hopefully there's some benefit in seeing indirectly how she deals with it.  This is a little bit like donating her hair before she loses it as there's no way to know who benefits from that either ... but someone will and that someone is likely in a major bind.

The reason this won't help much for active support is I won't go into anything anatomical.  That gives up too much privacy but you know it sucks bad so the Rockhouse sees the informative aspect as the vibe while she's dealing with it.

We all know it's going to hurt when they turn the chemo back up at the halfway point.  Through all of this the mantra has been straight out of Alcoholics Anonymous:  one day at a time.

Robert Schuler has something which also sounds like a corny platitude most of the time but 'inch by inch it's a cinch' counts big time in a situation such as this one.

Something which may be an observational coincidence is I see mostly women are patients at The Center.  That makes me wonder if Type A males croak out with vapor locks due to cardiac problems and hypertension whereas women historically have done been so susceptible.  Therefore more live longer and that moves them up to cancer vulnerability.  Unknown but that was the observation.

Something else I observe is it's a privilege to be around them since all hang so damn tough with this and this isn't fighting.  I daresay that's the last thought in anyone's mind since the object is to be the best you can be in coming back day after day to get through this.  If anything, I think calling that fighting is a kind of insulting since that behavior isn't even close to the best we can be.

Ed:  it's such a shame we send our best to do it

You know that I know that entire editorial but that's not for here.

Mystery Lady, the card you sent finally showed up and that's more than a week since the first one.  The system is crazy but it arrived.  I think it was slow because we're on a CIA black list so they're inspecting the mail for money, drugs, and/or terrorists.  They take the money, keep the drugs, and then shoot the terrorists.  After that we finally get the mail.

Your message is beautiful and everyone providing support wishes we could do more but you do more than you know.  Keeping the vibe positive and happening is something we really do and it really helps.  Who does the most doesn't even matter when we all want the same result and each does his or her bit toward that.  Besides, Tactical has scored some major points with some moves showing huge Dudeness.  He has the win for doing the most anyway (larfs).

Deep thanks as it's all about ... bist du ein Mensch?

Note:  ja, du bist ... natürlich.

This song is a forever favorite and love radiates in every possible direction.

"Mensch" by Herbert Grönemeyer
(English translation is a bit better than via Google)

Currently is right,
currently is good
nothing is really important
after the ebb comes the flow

at the beach of life
without a reason, without a mind
is nothing in vain
i build the dreams upon the sand

and it's, it's ok
everything is on its way
and it is apparent time
jaunty and free

and the human is called human
because he forgets
because he represses
and because he marvels and toughens
because he warms up when he is telling

and because he laughes
because he lives
you are missing

the firmament is open
cloudless and ocean blue
telephone, gas, electricity
unpaid and it's ok

share with me your peace
if only borrowed
I do not want your love
I just want your word/promise

and it's, it's ok
everything is on its way
and it is apparent time
unclouded and easy

and the human is called human
because he errs and because he fights
and because he hopes and loves
because he sympathizes and forgives

and because he laughes
and because he lives
you are missing

oh, cause he laughes
and because he lives
you are missing

and it's, it's ok
everything is on its way
and it is apparent time
unclouded and easy

and the human is called human
because he forgets
because he represses

and because he raves and believes
leans and trusts

and because he laughes
and because he lives
you are missing

oh, it's all right
it hurts consistently
and it is apparent time
without a plan , without an escort

and the human is called human
because he remembers and fights
and because he hopes and loves
because he sympathizes and forgives

and because he laughes
and because he lives
you are missing

oh, because he laughes
because he lives
you are missing

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