Friday, April 21, 2017

The Great Circle of Opossum Life in the Midwest

That title will likely throw off just about anyone unless you have seen Midwest used on Ithaka as a keyword previously.

When Yevette came back from the rad area, I told her, hey, the week is finished and you're two thirds finished with this now.

That didn't get much of a reaction but something which did is someone said there's an opossum outside.  That didn't get me particularly lit since any time I have seen an opossum previously, it's been at the bottom of a garbage can and really pissed off for disturbing it.  From those experiences it became clear, don't screw with 'possums.

But that's when Yevette saw the opossum in a tree and cried out, "It's so cute!"

I didn't really think it was so cute but it was too cool to see one which wasn't angry.

Note:  posting of the article was on hold pending arrival of email for Yevette with pictures.  That didn't show so here's what I saw.

It was about that time we saw it wasn't one opossum but multiple since she had babies and I saw at least three little tails hanging from somewhere around her midsection.

I said it was like the Great Circle of Opossum Life but I don't think others might have been seeing the Lion King in it.

Ed:  of course not!  She may be an Opossum Queen but she sure as hell isn't the King.

Details, details

Where else will watching an opossum draw a crowd and the onlookers were worried, "I hope she doesn't fall!"

Opossum simpatico ... it's a different world at The Center.

It's becoming progressively more cognitively dissonant to see the deep sensitivity toward life at The Center and through every aspect of The Situation while we're perennially bombarded by news of those who destroy life but they wear suits and swear, by God, everything I say is true; the killing was necessary and in true service of Jesus.  Praise be.

It makes no sense.  What's more, it couldn't possibly make sense.

There's a growing dissociation from the Artificial World in which they perennially erect giant new silvery, artificial phalluses, marvel at their genius, and then make another one.  They solve the same problem over and over and over but never deal with the actual situation that they make the environment they create impossible to reach because the roads are choked.

When gridlock is part of the vocabulary, you have a car problem.  The answer to that ... yep, make more cars and make bigger buildings to attract them.  The genius of this is a beacon to the Universe.

Ed:  electric cars will solve that!

When the carmakers get an electric car which actually works, they will start chunking them out like fortune cookies but there won't be anything to get the old ones off the road beyond relying on attrition.

Ed:  at least they make ozone!

Sure, at least there's that.

All of this is just Motie behavior in solving the same problem over and over.  Space aliens won't come here because they can see it too.

Ref: "The Mote in God's Eye" by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle.

Alien Watch Commander:  report

Alien Watcher:  nothing to report, sir.  They keep doing the same things.  Sir, these creatures are more boring than Arcturian igglbarts.  They know they're going to blow up but they do it anyway.  Incomprehensible.

Alien Watch Commander:  stand your watch, son.  Earn your right to reproduce.

Alien Watcher:  yes, sir; watching, sir.

All of that gets more distant and it's like seeing it through a telescope but, like NASA and the Alien Watch Commander, we want to see more channels than most since you don't get the whole picture until you at least pick up the ultraviolet and the infrared and far more than that.

Ed:  and you see 'possums

That was cool.  Those little 'possum tails hanging down were kind of cute.

There was some knowledge to come from that since I thought marsupials were only found in Australia where we see animals with pouches commonly.  I didn't know the opossum is also a marsupial.  (WIKI:  Opossum)

The 'possum audience was remarking about how the babies were crawling back inside and they really were.  Sometimes there were three tails out there and sometimes none of them.

Ed:  this is the tale of the tails then

It does appear to be barring some insane flash of comedic insight.

Ed:  ok, so it's the Tale of the Tails.

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