Sunday, April 9, 2017

Planet Money Has Decoded the Stock Market Information in Donald Trump's Tweets

Play Wall Street in real time with real money with BOTUS, the stock market 'bot which is driving its buy / short orders based on the Tweets from Donald Trump, POTUS, HOST-EST, MOST-EST.  (RT:  BOTUS: New bot which trades based on Trump’s tweets hits markets on Monday)

© Brendan McDermid / Reuters

Requisite picture of Wall Street or an airport or something.

The Planet Money team at NPR has built its own stock-picking bot to better understand Wall Street’s predominantly automated, computer-driven trading. There is one twist though: this bot’s trades are based purely on the Twitter feed of Donald Trump.

“Our bot is doing something seemingly simple: It looks at President Trump's Twitter feed, and when he tweets about a company, it trades stocks, with real money,” NPR said on their website.

- RT

This 'bot could be bigger than Kramer.  Who needs comedians when we only need watch the news.


Twitter is Bot of the U.S. | @BOTUS

@BOTUS, or Bot of the United States has $1,000 at its disposal to buy stocks based on Trump’s Twitter feed. If there is a positive mention of a publicly-traded company, a buy order is placed; if the tweet contains negative news, BOTUS knows to take a short position.

- RT

See ... even better than Kramer.  Simple.

To afford BOTUS a certain competitive edge, however, the engineering team at NPR did incorporate VADER Sentiment Analysis to avoid any catastrophic trades that would bankrupt the bot.

“The Fine Print: This is for real. All decisions on buying and selling stocks are made automatically by BOTUS, a computer program,” NPR wrote in a disclaimer on their website.

- RT

The software seems to validate itself through the use of some other software and how 'bot-like.  This is delicious.

You can't buy comedy like this.

One of the developers of the bot announced on Twitter that the bot will begin trading at market open on Monday.

As far back as 2010, almost 70 percent of all trades on Wall Street were performed by high frequency trading computer algorithms (algos).

Wall Street has its own algos that keep a close eye on social media and, in particular, Donald Trump’s Twitter feed, but BOTUS is the first algo with its own Twitter account to provide trade-by-trade updates to the wider world.

- RT

In other news:  is someone seriously going to try to make 'algo' a word?  Find that mutant.  Complete the lobotomy on him.

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