Sunday, April 9, 2017

It Just Keeps on Getting Better in the Midwest

And, if you're believing that, we can sell you a whole lot of things while you're here.

There is no Rockhouse purpose to regale you on how I actually found a way to make the situation worse since venting doesn't do anything.  It's one of many reasons men have no chance of understanding women because they often believe venting some problem makes it better.  Men know it doesn't make any difference since after venting you're still bugged by whatever it was and now someone else is bugged from hearing about it.

It's all part of the vibe.  Well, that really fucking sucked but roll, roll, roll ...

Ed:  I think that's row, row, row and it's in a boat

I tell you what, Captain Jack.  With things going as they have been, there's no fuckin' way I'm getting into a boat.  I won't even have to look to see the Titanic name painted on it.

Besides, they chopped up me fookin' wing again.  That one will be bitchworthy for a few more days yet as it's really barking my shit just now.  That's not from unbearable pain but rather I.Have.Fucking.Had.It.With.This.

You know, just some of that (larfs).

Mystery Lady knows this is nothin' since she saw it when that wing was so shot to hell it couldn't do anything.  The only way I could maintain was if I gripped the upper part of my leg with my hand so it wouldn't move if I tried to walk which I also couldn't do too well.  That wing had zero functionality.

I do not waltz in my own pain since we can enjoy previous pains without feeling them when some parts of us really did get some Intelligent Design.  We're incapable of remembering pain; we know that it happened but not what it felt like.  I'm not feeling any ambience of agony but I do feel a light buzz from the ganja which I will further solidify momentarily.

I throw this disclaimer up periodically but it amuses me to throw up with it we can't remember what pleasure felt like either.  You know that orgasm was swell but you don't remember what it felt like anymore so you just gotta, gotta, gotta do it again.

Something which didn't dawn on me until relatively late is a surprising number of people have never felt much physical pain in their lives.  Pregnancy must really be a bitch but it's just one of many of the biggest pains in life when there are shitloads from which to choose.  I don't care how bad ass you think you are, Macho Man, as any competent physical therapist can make you cry ... or she's a wimp.

All of the physical therapists I encountered were women and none of them were wimps.  One of them I particularly liked called herself the Queen of Pain and she was too.  She knew precisely how far she could push it before you would blow apart into a million pieces and only the most specially sensitive people can inflict pain while maintaining the vision of how it will help.

The surgeons put my arm back together to fix it but the physical therapists got me using it again and that took a long, long time.

This will probably sound stupid but it surprised me how many people have never been involved in a car crash.  I look at car crashes being easy and it's the bike crashes which hurt.

The reason for any thought of this is it seems pains hit harder when they only come late.  If you have been through that kind of thing previously then that makes it somewhat more tolerable since you know what to expect, etc.

There's no good way to get that experience without getting whacked yourself since I don't know of any way to teach it.  The object isn't so much to teach anything about experiencing pain beyond how to deal with it and focus as in fo' real Jedi stuff is needed for that but, again, how should one teach that.

Maybe there's an implicit lesson in this insofar as you know there's no-one here who's in much of a good functional condition but still there's giant determination to produce whatever is possible.  Music is a total day-in / day-out heartbreaker and it looks like a failure that I was never Jimi Hendrix ... but ... I got more than forty years of pretending I was and that's not a small thing.  Some people even believed it (larfs).

There hasn't been anything with the Galaxy Guitar yet as the wing is bugging the bejeebers out of me.  However, that's the Jedi part.  If I can pull it together to play, I won't feel anything from the wing.  That can't happen just this minute since Yevette is crashed but it does need to happen tomorrow.

Not much for interesting sci fi percolating since I just saw "This Island Earth" and that was classically awful although the images of the planet, Metaluna, were kind of cool.  Faith Domergue was the required Sci Fi Hot Babe and that aspect was kind of amusing since it was back in the days of pointy boobs versus the later melon boob image.  Unknown if that was some particular kind of brassiere or what but that was the Era of Pointy Boobs.

Does she look dangerous enough for you?

Let's fly together in a spaceship to the planet Metaluna.  Why not.

Ed:  her boobs are not pointy!

Erm, she may not be currently so adorned, mate.  You need to see her in that Jane Russell forty-megaton bra and I think Howard Hughes designed it.  Ms Domergue had something of a dalliance with Mr Hughes, apparently.

Ed:  is there Sociology in boob trends in movies?

Maybe so, mate.  We're currently in the Era of Minimal Boobs so we see boob trends clearly evident in the movie history.

Ed:  sure but what does that mean?

How should I know.  I just like looking at them.

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