Saturday, April 1, 2017

Judge Roy Bean Goes to Washington to Tumble Tumbleweeds

You only get this kind of strange when you come to Ithaka because who loves ya.

How is this a big deal when Flynn wants immunity.  He is just small change so give him immunity and then give us some names, Mikey.  (CNN:  Flynn seeks immunity for testimony)

Watson:  you're buying the conspiracy theory?

Nah.  So what if he gives up some names.  Yeah, I talked to Russians and, by the way, fuck you.  Idiots.

Watson:  Judge Roy will hang him for that!

Erm, Judge Roy will hang him anyway, mate.  You haven't been out West of the Pecos, have yewwww.

The Socialist Left has no disagreement with Trump on the matter.  It is a witch hunt.  (CNN:  Trump supports Flynn immunity request in ‘witch hunt’ Russia ties probe)

Watson:  hunting witches beats working

You've got that right and let's go to Salem because we can burn witches up there for the really big fun.

Watson:  they didn't burn witches.  They tortured and hung them.  Get it right.  I've seen the cells in Salem where they kept them.  Don't ever go to that satanic place.

Well aren't you the Tumbling Tumbleweed, mate.

Watson:  I do my tumble best

I can't believe I heard that.  You're fired.  Get the fuck out.

Ed:  say, Watson, before you go ... why would you go to such a demonic place as Salem?

Watson:  penance, mate.  Same reason people go to Dachau.  For this one I won't post any pictures.  Believe me it radiates evil as intently as a singer radiates love.  It will hurt you.  Don't go.  What if it's a nexus and the whirlpool opens again.

Ed:  if you keep coming up with this pun bullshit and blaming it on Watson, we're going to burn you

Feel all the Love in the Universe.  Om ... Om ... Om ...

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