Thursday, September 8, 2016

The Risk is Intellectualizing into the Twilight Zone

The immediate flaw to that thinking is of any negativity regarding the Twilight Zone as it's always seemed a singularly attractive place to be.

The regulars appreciate Twilight Zone thinking and there are some ephemeral beasties who come here but I don't know who they are and likely you don't either.  There are hundreds and sometimes thousands on any given day so it's either a lot of people or just a few who do it over and over.  That isn't me since it doesn't count what I do ... nothing (sob) counts what I do (larfs).

Mystery Lady's point is well-taken since alienating the regulars is a high risk since they're among the sharpest thinkers I have found.  There are always more but we found each other through whatever nefarious means made that happen.

You already know my interests are highly-varied since ganja is only part of what makes all the colors in life.  If we aren't looking for the colors than the Ganja Man can't take you anywhere.  To help focus which colors may be of interest, I'll use 'SD Followup' in the title for articles of such nature since those articles will tend to go Twilight Zone.  The premise is, well, this is what the sciencers have confirmed.  If that's true then this is possible ...

Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

'All over the place' will be largely a subjective evaluation but it's incumbent on me to at least try to channel things so that which may be spuriously regarded as 'all over the place' really was just not channeled too well.

The Twitticisms are just random crapshoots, largely for screwing off if I'm not reading because, to my view, the Internet is almost never more than looking for something interesting to read and the frustration, I suspect for most people, is the difficulty in finding it.  Everything is so distorted within social networks, it's as difficult as possible and Facebook has become little more than a meat processing plant for white people and white thinking.  It couldn't be any more bland if it were served on Wonder Bread.

All in all, writing anything with a target of Twitter or Facebook or any other is probably not productive  The motivation of people who wrap themselves in that artificial comfort is highly-disturbing and all the more so insofar as they don't like it at all when they're disturbed within it.

In passing with Yevette just now, she said, "Shit is all that's going on out there."

Me, "Yah but that doesn't make it my job to wallow in it."

There's been quite a bit of wallowing and I just took a bath.  Why, hell, in Texas that could last a month (larfs).  So no hog wallowing just now.

As to the reality programming, coughing up blood is most pronounced on getting up after being horizontal for some period regardless of whether I was asleep.  This is well past 'trace amounts' and there's no mistaking the result.  The unusual aspect is it tapers off after dealing with some 'backlog' after getting more or less vertical.  There will still be vicious coughing after that but it's not much productive and then it really is only traces of blood.

I do not believe this warrants bumping another vet out of a scheduled appointment which is exactly what will happen if I escalate.  The other option is Ms Kersa will have to come in early or stay late but that's not acceptable either since she's a precious resource to many more than I.  This is not about self-defeat but rather reasoned use of that resource.  Congress knows absolutely nothing about how it goes down here, mostly because it's easy to wear an expensive suit and give false speeches.

Mystery Lady, your judgment is best as to what constitutes a medical emergency but I do not see one at this time, it's just something which really sucks.  There's no change regarding surgery as I will not permit it and for reasons I have described previously specifically regarding quality of life.

The most important thing to understand is the timeline and this is about as Twilight Zone as it gets.

Point A:  the current time in which we observe Things Which Really Suck

Interlude B:  time of unknown duration between now and C

Point C:  exit plan

Don't lose sight of Interlude B because I don't and that's the specific concern regarding quality of life.  Medical intervention must have a logical and demonstrable benefit to the length or improvement of that time or there is no reason in the world to do it.  The regulars know how many times I've gone into surgery over the years and I need one hell of a damn good reason.  Don't read fear into this as I ... well, they have been cutting me all Summer so no point in even continuing with that one (larfs).

Note:  this is a touch defensive regarding all over the place but things are much less that way than they seem.  It occurred to me it would be good if I shoot pics from right here and then rotate at 45-degree angles so you can see how things are not at all over the place for me.  In most cases, everything is within arm's length in any direction, all except directly behind because ...

all together now ...

What'sa behinda you ista not important.  -  Raul Julia, "The Gumball Rally"

Some may / will regard this as morbid but my view is you can talk about such things when you're relaxed and it's easy or you can wait for a crisis point in your life when decisions are achingly-difficult.  I prefer this way and judge it however you like (larfs).  Regardless of your circumstance, eventually you will talk about such things anyway.  Might as well make it as easy as possible, right?

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