Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bag the Twitticisms

Twitticisms are really just a simple way to write articles but there's no real mesh with Ithaka except insofar as maybe something is interesting but nothing gets explored to any real depth so there's little value to it.  The content is often incendiary because the Internet is a free-for-all and nothing is real anyway.

Ithaka is real and has been for years.  It's grown highly virtual of late as have I and the Twitticisms are an incongruity within that.  Therefore, axe them.

There's no softening of my black heart as there's deep evil in the world and a shameful level of it comes from those who so assiduously charge others with it.

At the risk of getting polemical, the combat has never worked.  They go, oh yah, it sure did in WWII,  you pinko Commie pigdog.

In fact it really didn't because the Ideal is all people in all of countries of all colors and all preferences for Kool-Aid soft drinks will live in harmony and make a better world.  Sure, then cut to Kumbaya.

That Ideal didn't happen and even at the height of WWII, there was always a mistrustful cooperation in the Arabian context of 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend.'  That lasts for as long as the enemy exists, at least to some extent, but it was already falling apart before WWII was over.

The evidence was Warsaw when Russia was right outside the city and all ready to enter to wipe out the remaining German soldiers.  They stopped at the perimeter of the city while the Germans slaughtered the Poles, mostly Jews, inside the city.  FDR knew about it and did nothing because he did not want to risk antagonizing Stalin.  The only help of any kind came from Churchill as he airlifted supplies as he could.

The point is not in emphasizing that horrendous tragedy but rather the Allies really weren't and combat was an artificial unification which didn't even last for the duration.

In short, it doesn't work and it has never worked.  It's been failing for sixteen years in the Middle East but they cling to their hopelessly ancient and ineffective thinking as if they're pitbulls biting something which already died.

Cutting it as short as possible, the belief is it's a relatively simple thing to cure by withdrawing combatants and stopping the exacerbation of conflicts with the continued sale of weapons.  The American economy won't collapse even if it stops making these horror tools tomorrow.  There's just a death grip on failure which continues repeating the same mistakes.

Combat will not ever bring peace and it has never done so in the past.  The peace is an illusion which is almost immediately undermined by the greed of the same people who started the war in the first place.

Therefore, it's been the wrong fight all along and hopefully someday people will realize the real fight doesn't use weapons.  The opposition to that is violent and evil but it's only in defense of greed so what will you do.  If you shoot back, they win.

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