Thursday, September 8, 2016

About Being All Over the Place w/pics

Here's the dead ahead and not much surprise but check out that tiny pipe.  It's only good for one or two toks but wowee zowee.  There isn't some other pipe for the 'really big buzz' so that tiny thing is it.

The dark areas in front of the keyboard and the trackball are the padding to prevent ergo problems.  They're not entirely eliminated but those gel pads were enormously helpful along with replacing the Apple Low-Profile Snakebite Keyboard with a full-size version which is functionally superior to the obvious discovery of any touch typist.  All of that was replaced for maybe forty bucks absolute tops and my arm had been going almost completely numb from it.  You may want to get pads to protect your wrists ahead of anything like that.

You will see as you scroll, I'm all over the place without ever getting out of the chair.  It's the most unusual thing and this is 3D heaven for a musico / video maniac since every direction opens windows.

To the immediate left at almost forty-five degrees:

There's an iPad on the lower deck of the table but the battery is probably dead.  It's not broken, it just has no particular reason to do anything when something else can do it better.  The Vegemite jar on the end of the desk is the previous Salvation for guitar picks and what greater honor than a jar of the Veg.  The laptop is fine but it's not seeing much activity when it can't dream of keeping up with the iMac.

Note:  on the road, the iPad can have value but here it's mostly useless except for SCRABBLE sometimes.

Call this one left at about sixty-five degrees:

Stand up.  Turn.  Play.

Those really are all the steps since the same primary audio is used for everything whether it's movies or belting the guitar.

To the rear at maybe one ninety degrees:

That's the Galaxy Guitar with her brother, Monstro, Bubba's Wall of Acoustic Death.  If you talk to him about a cowbell and he starts growling, throw him meat.  He might settle down.  Maybe.

To the immediate right at about thirty-five degrees:

Left at about sixty-five degrees and down to the Electronic Hall of Twisted Amazement and multiple bloody feet (underneath and to the left / rear of the keyboard):

Note:  stepping on any of these things in the dark is going to cost a varying chunk of foot.  It's why I say it's dangerous getting back to the sofa as these devices have taken blood multiple times.

And straight-up (lasers on a truss):

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