Sunday, September 18, 2016

Getting Testy with @Yevette

Sometimes I'll get a little testy with Yevette regarding details about politics and not because she's incorrect on them but rather I don't care.  The last thing America did poorly isn't interesting anymore as the premise is false that pointing out any of them will get anyone to 'wise up' to deal with them; they won't.

The single hallmark of Election 2016 was to find any tiniest scrap of progressivism in anything in America and destroy it.  The GOP rolled out the ultimate Trojan Horse with Hillary Clinton and now the country only has one party remaining which isn't even close to being the Democrats.  The mindless femmerats at The Guardian congratulate themselves on their 'win' but just what the fuck did you get, li'l darlin's.  Femmerats at CNN and Fox don't even know it happened.

All of those femmerats got played from here to the Super Bowl with the result America still won't move forward on anything just as it has not for over twenty years.

There's some admiration for the deceitfulness of the GOP since they have managed to gut the country along multiple courses and destroyed both political parties at the same time while also marginalizing the others.  Unless they had brought in Attila the Hun and his Mongol Horde they couldn't have been more destructive and his attitude toward war was the same as the GOP (i.e. kill everything else).

The most disgraceful aspect of the GOP is the way they play their religion which doesn't mean so much as a pile of wood shavings to them since they will shelve any aspect of it to make a buck.  They will tell you it's righteous too because there is no moral imperative to constrain the behavior of a corporation and just ask them.  They're so contemptuous of the power or the will of Americans do anything about it they will spit it in your face.

They're right.  Americans won't do anything about it and we see the proof of it again as the election slowly dies.  This may be the first Inauguration in which they can't even get a band because no-one wants to be there, at least no free people.

The best move if you can afford it is still to get out of America while it finally eats itself.  The rapacious violence in the country has no other target except Americans so it only makes sense to be somewhere else.  Regardless of their wild protestations about patriotism, any damn fool can see most of the violence is committed by Americans rather than some wild-eyed terrorists from overseas.

The worst violence in the country is through neglect as with poorly-fed children, homeless people, and a great many other areas of social decay.  The hipsters don't care even though they sometimes get a liberal tingle out of reading memes attributed to Maya Angelou on Facebook.  Sometimes they read of Martin Luther King as well but he died before they were born, so did many things.

@Yevette, you can't save America and it's a long, long time before it comes back to any kind of shape the world wants to see.  The only thing you can do is save yourself and you can because Republicans are too selfish for a nuke war since it would cost them as much as anyone else.

I'm swung a good distance back towards 'everything is pointless here, best to at least see something cool' and that's the annual sell the guitar sweepstakes.  It would be good to pick up some vibe which isn't so perennially American and I sure loved it last time.  This latest with the spineless Pledge of Allegiance crap just completely does it.  Best to find people who have enough pride in themselves to reject such subservient bullshit rather than to live with hang dog symp wimps who don't.

The books being listed here from time to time are just as accessible to you as for to me and they make a scintillating alternative to online.  "Brave New World" is something we could review at great length if you like.  There's more 'news' in a volume of that nature than anything which ever comes up on the Rat Patrol News and I suspect you may find more understanding and satisfaction with the why of things from that whereas RPN is doing nothing but obfuscating reality to the prevention of any real insights.

"1984" is somewhat interesting but we're already so deep into it that the impact isn't the same, particularly after Obama so heavily militarized the police.  There were subtleties to "Brave New World" which make it more intriguing although I'll look for Orwell's book as well if you like.

Note:  I haven't re-read "Brave New World" yet but you're welcome to go first and the condition of the book is Very Good (as graded by used booksellers).

You may find a great deal more satisfaction in wringing every detail out of "Brave New World" because the details are there.  You can wring the Rat Patrol News all you like and you never find anything except more rats.  "Brave New World" and others are how the rats got there and, more importantly, why we can't get rid of them.

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