Saturday, September 17, 2016

Cellshader Live

Cellshader is young, extremely-talented, and his voice has tremendous versatility all the way from industrial to a lovey ballad if he likes.  Through it all comes the astounding power of his delivery and it's all the more surprising because he's not some huge beefy guy.  His voice sounds like he's a giant mountain man with a big bushy beard but that's not exactly Cellshader.

Note:  pic was not from last night

There was some news yesterday about the potential for collaboration and the idea of doing it with two people for a duet but he suggested three and that could be most exciting.  The reason for collaboration isn't so much to play better something you might have done but rather others bring things to it you may not have anticipated or considered.

When Cellshader speaks of a guitarist and another singer then he starts going into a dynamic beyond the relatively predictable duets of online but performing virtual sets on an international basis has sorely tested others who have tried it.  Think of it when the members of the virtual band are in different time zones and some may not even speak the same language.  There are differences in virtual you may likely never see in real.

The high interest comes because he's quite young and he doesn't seem affected by his own ability; he loves the role he plays on the stage but he also notes it's where he feels at home and off-stage is, well, everything else.  I identify with that strongly but Cellshader has a major advantage since he's quite young and looks to be somewhere in his twenties, certainly not much beyond.  He doesn't seem so enamored of his own bullshit and that's the worst online trap of of all so congratulations to him on that since his feet seem steady on the ground.

His youth and his talent are huge reasons to be encouraged for him but the fact he doesn't seem so affected by himself may stand him in the best stead of all.  He's got the three fundamental abilities as he's hugely imaginative with fascinating changes in his music, he's hugely determined, and he works. According to the Chessmaster, the third is the most important.

(Ed:  who's the Chessmaster?)

You can't seriously have forgotten the Hosea Avenue Chessmaster?  Tell me it ain't so!

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