Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Politicians in the Sun

Relax.  At least they're not talking.

Or it's some members of the ACACIA fraternity when queried about doing the rah, rah, brother stuff.

That place was such an Animal House although guitar smashing wasn't allowed.  A girl who said she was a witch was playing an acoustic guitar for me on the back porch and that was, well, witchy.  No need to smash that guitar.

(Ed:  what happened?)

Nothin'.  I was more entranced by her guitar play than the witch.  She was an attractive witchy woman but the guitar threw greater spells that night.

(Ed:  you completely blew on obvious opening!)

Right.  I was never an initiated brother so maybe I didn't make it to full Animal yet.

There was a drinking room downstairs and someone had splattered phenolpthalein over the walls so they would change color as the humidity increased and, presumably, acidity changed.  They would get all streaked with kind of a blues and purples.  Lovely work.

One guy wasn't too much enamored of rah, rah and he resolved to quit smoking by staying drunk on pure grain alcohol until he did.  It actually worked and he did not wind up an alcoholic but rather an eminent back East heart surgeon who practices to this day.

All of us had the same opinion of other fraternities in which they assess your net worth at the door to decide if you're worthy.  Right away, you know you're dealing with some sadistic, anal-obsessed mutations and an exit plan is immediately desirable ... after sucking up some free beer.

In fact, I don't think any of those monkeys busted in life.  They really were monkeys too as the story was related to me of the Great Fraternity / Sorority Food Fight and, regrettably, I missed that one.  All of them became doctors, attorneys or some kind of six-figure hot shots.  Fuckin' monkeys (larfs).

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