Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Best Thing Which Can Happen Anywhere these Parasites Go

The destroyer of small businesses, families, and whatever else they grind up in the tracks as the Walmart machine demolishes one place after the other.  Whenever one of these evil tyrants dies, there is much rejoicing.

They sell products made by foreign slave labor to people who once were slave labor and they have no choice other than shopping there because Walmart murdered all the other local businesses.


Anonymous said...

If you dont like WalMart dont shop there
As long as people shop there, they will stay.

Unknown said...

How can you possibly defend what they do

Anonymous said...

I dont I dont do business with them
I dont buy food there. I dont buy garden supplies there
My point is if everyone actually had enough principles to shop elsewhere even though it is not as convenient or as cheap then they would go away.
But the majority of people will sell out thier neighbor for the cheaper price of WalMart

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how my first comment was in anyway a defense of walmart

Unknown said...

I went too extreme with it as I don't even believe they have a right to exist for doing what they do. I do use them and largely because alternatives are few and more distant. From the view down here, the smaller markets have almost disappeared and the remainder are largely catering to soda, beer and cigarettes. Maybe it was a drag for some going to the greengrocer, the butcher, the baker, and making multiple stops but they always had the best and freshest stuff. It's still that way in Greece but bigger markets are taking over and maybe it's evolution in action but I believe we are the poorer for it.

The short answer for go somewhere else is the somewhere else is getting more and more rare, specifically because Walmart undercut them and ran them. I really do see that as shameful business practice.

Anonymous said...

They absolutey have the right to exist. They put out a product if you want it you buy it.
Sears an Kmart will soon go out of business as they dont fill a consumer need at a high enough level to be profitable.
I dont see how you trash them and do business with them.
Seems pretty hypocritical.
There are plenty of small chains that fill the same function especially in a city of Dallas FtWorth
Every business tries to eliminate the competition by having a better product or a lower price.
My town is only about 12k and I have multiple answer to walmart.
So as long as people shop there they will stay in business

Unknown said...

Again, I have the same answer as they drove the others out. I know the thinking is there is a bakery around here somewhere but I have not yet found one. Sure I know they exist but it's difficult to get any significant distance and there is only one other significant market here which survives and largely because of a Hispanic influence on the products they present.

Anonymous said...

do business with whoever you please. But to say there are no alternatives in a city of millions is ridiculous No worries They appreciate your patronage

Unknown said...

You don't know the situation and I haven't told anyone. Do as you please is a luxury not available. I'm not clear just yet what to do about it.