Wednesday, May 18, 2016

"Necromancer" - Silas Scarborough - Live at Luxor 2006 (video)

The "Necromancer" uses only the static image of the Galaxy Guitar for the visual and it's the vehicle for some mad guitar playing at ridiculous speeds but with ridiculous excitement.  This was a whole different time but there's no particular nostalgic regret in seeing it's gone but rather there's great joy in seeing it ever happened.

The song features the Thunder Goddess on drums for all the cool drum fills you could possibly want. Her beat is strong and demanding throughout.  Finest kind.

The specific reason for mention of Circe Broom is respect and loyalty for a friend and appreciation for one hell of a good time even when it was a long time ago.  Most of it is gone now but some remains and Silas hopes you will enjoy it even if for no other reason than the shredder aspect shows antipathy toward shredding isn't because he lacks speed but rather he chooses not to do it.

These days Silas couldn't pull that kind of speed even with the help of a magic genie and a fistful of Vap-O-Rub but he rejects it in any case and he never did it New School style anyway.  As ever, without nuance things may have meaning but they rarely have depth.


Anonymous said...

This guy probably wont win--ya know, he's old, not pretty...but the guy sings..but his guitar solos are just the best!! Check him out-Love ML

Unknown said...

Those contests bug me as I've never heard of anyone winning one. I'll take a look / listen.

Love back at you!

Unknown said...

His voice has great passion but I didn't think he should have covered Hendrix since you can't bluff what Hendrix played by speedballin' it. For sure he's got moves but prob'ly better for originals.