Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Lotta Confusion in the GOP

There's serious doubt as to whether anyone thought Ted Cruz had even a tiny chance of taking the nomination and adding Carly Fiorina to the campaign was just a joke, she never won a political contest in her life and the Presidency wasn't the first.

Now they have it in front of them, Donald Trump is the GOP Nominee for President.

That looks like something out of a sci-fi fantasy magazine.  It has surrealism no-one could possibly have guessed from the outset.

Unclear how the GOP will deal with it as there couldn't possibly have been a more resounding rejection of the Old School GOP (i.e. Reagan, etc).  The New School was before that with Eisenhower but they don't like him anymore, too moderate.

Let's read that one more time:  the general who led the Allied Forces to the win in WWII was too much of a moderate.

Enjoy that line.  It's a beauty, isn't it!

In fact, Hillary Clinton is the only one of the Old School remaining and Bernie Sanders doesn't represent it.  You have heard Clinton screeching that multiple times.  Here at the Rockhouse, we don't think she will chalk up many future wins and all she's likely to gain is more charges against her.  The latest was in her embezzlement of about seventy million from the DNC for her Victory Fund.  It's a specific violation of campaign law so, yah, nothing for her but more charges.  That woman is a political albatross.

We support Sanders and that's been obvious so no need for comment except insofar as CNN blazed Trump's name all over the home page and barely gave mention to a significant win for Bernie Sanders since it clearly shows he is continuing to turn the campaign while Clinton only makes it angrier.

While CNN was embarrassingly stooge-ish, Fox News gave more credence to Sanders, likely because they love Clinton like painful rectal itch.

Kannafoot clarified his views regarding Clinton since he considers Trump a travesty for the GOP but Clinton is 'too far left' to seriously consider as an alternative.  He has a bit of a quandary on his hands as hopefully the regulars have seen his scribes here and he's not terribly afflicted by the Tea Party's overarching manipulation of religion but it does affect his thinking in terms of LGBT, etc.  Due to the risk of translation errors and out of simple respect, I won't try to frame his thoughts so a brief summary is the best I can do on that.  His writing has been well-received so there's a fairly reasonable chance regulars have seen his political thinking when it's focused on a single or a tight range of objectives.

So he and many others in the GOP have a problem:  now what.  It's senseless for us to try to answer that but the question clearly exists.

Sanders only has to stay cool, ignore Clinton's idiotic provocations, and get on with it.  He needs to break even in remaining states in which he has a good chance of winning anyway and kill in California to take the nomination free and clear.  We strongly believe he is going to do it.

The only novel stuff to come out of the campaign has been from Sanders and Trump so consider for a joyful moment the debate between them.  Trump is going to need one whole hell of a lot of coaching. Frankly, I think he will be crushed and would have a better chance with Clinton.  They would likely match styles and endlessly try to talk over one another.  It would entertain the crowd but wouldn't say very much.

The biggest mystery wasn't in them but rather in what 'drop the mike' means and Yevette didn't know so then it got OCD.  It means to get the better of someone and it seems it's been in use at least since 2011.  This seems like black slang which is in the Pat Boone process, like a lot of black slang, via the news networks as they really seem to love it, pack of unimaginative types such as they are.

Quick side-note:  speaking of unimaginative, I hope you saw Wolf Blitzer at the Correspondents Dinner after Obama poked him.  That stone face was so perfectly nothing and so completely Wolf Blitzer.  So, uh, Obama dropped the mike on him.  Am I getting it??  (larfs)

Likely there's some confusion on this race just now but it would be puzzling if today surprised anyone too much.  No doubt this situation is surreal ... but we maintain that's the only true reality anyway.


Anonymous said...

It seems drop the mike is much older than 5 years. I thought the origin was from the rap battles signifying the same as a walk off homerun

Unknown said...

That was just the first shot with a definition I read in the Urban Dictionary yesterday. I only just learned of the phrase during the campaign and I'm well-familiar with dropping a mike but had no idea previously what dropping the mike meant.