Saturday, May 7, 2016

In a Little Village Not So Far from Genoa

People talk about doing a great many things but you really have to do them or it's all just more fantasy on Facebook which hardly ever gets real.

If we get a good fantasy here, we're going to go out and do it.  The last great one was the Greek saga in "Abandoning Paradise" but there's always the potential for more even if it's using a wheelchair.  (I'm not in a wheelchair now.  That was a period way back after a major motorcycle crash.)

When it's only about the fantasy and never the reality, you might as well shake it off with yer tool and call it a day since that won't go anywhere either.  The Moody Blues said 'thinking is the best way to travel' but that only makes sense when you're young and stoned off your head.  Thinking is only the prelude to travel.  Doing it is the only thing which counts.

This cost almost everything I own plus even more from the few who supported me as I went along.  That was the ride from Greece to Scotland which I thought I could cover but there wasn't one hope in hell of doing it with what I had.  Sometimes balls aren't quite enough (larfs).

Dream Big and it Just Might Happen ... then go out and make it happen!

People will line up on the fences to throw rotten food and hurl contempt as they scream, you moron, you have no chance.  Some said it was suicide.  I laughed.

I did not contact them after I got to Scotland.  The ride went three thousand kilometers on a 170cc motor scooter which was as heavily-overladen as The Beverly Hillbillies when they moved into town.  I really didn't think it would be so ludicrously dangerous but, oh yeah, you bet.

The book was going to be withdrawn some while back but I never got around to it and there's sure no point in removing it now.  I will put up some kind of blurb in the sidebar so you can conveniently ignore it there like any other Web page (larfs).

It's all good as down here we have a sense of humor and money takes that away from you because everyone is trying to rip you off.   In my case, they already did, multiple times, so ... what, me worry. Ain't happenin'.  I should worry about being screwed?  I'm already screwed and that's really not a whine as whole lot of things are clearly funny and people don't laugh half enough anymore.

Even when you have nothing else, you still have that.  I'm one step from rock bottom but I'm not there yet.  At that point, anywhere I go I will get hammered for politics and I won't put up with it.  There definitely ain't nowhere to go from here life is risk anyway.  When you get too far away from the risk, life turns into margarine or some other butter substitute.  Watching it is not even close to enough because there's always the feeling you are missing something.

There's only one solution for that particular situation:  get out there and do it.

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