Thursday, May 5, 2016

How About a Bullfight

Back in the Army days, 1971 for this part, I was stationed in Fort Bliss, TX, in nowhere make work job which just wasted my life for all the time they had me.  The military aspect was one of the worst times of my life and we don't need to go into the reasons.

The cool part of being in Fort Worth is it's embedded in El Paso which is right across the Rio Grande from Ciudad Juarez.  Back then, you didn't need a bulletproof vest to go over there and boy's town was the only place anyone military-looking could have a good time without anyone giving us any shit.  Civilians treated military so badly back then the military authorities ruled it was ok to fly in civvies so we didn't get hassled.

The bitch is most of it was coming from peace pussies ... my people!  There's nothing I could possibly say as I could not and would not kill anyone; they drafted me and I was screwed.  I wasn't even fractionally screwed as much as the ones LBJ destroyed in Vietnam.  He was the one behind the concocted Gulf of Honkin pseudo-attack against US warships and that's what led to the first major escalation in the conflict.

So the answer was to go to boy's town.  That's where I learned Texans do not take off their hats to screw hookers.  This did not take any research because one of them did that on the floor in the center of the bar.  It was like skiing and other warpos clustered about to watch and were calling out scores like they were Olympic judges.

Grand times, they were, huh?

The Kentucky Club was on the main drag in the tourist part of Juarez and that place was as elegant as it could be.  We would start out there because we could get a good steak there for a reasonable price and that's important to GI's who make nineteen cents an hour.  (That's based on paying for all twenty-four hours for each day of the week)

Someone came up with the idea it would be cool to see a bullfight and it seems cool and Hemingway on the surface so we thought, yah, let's do this.

The first thing you discover on entering the bull ring is it costs more to sit on the shade side than the Sol side.  If you have ever spent much time in Southwest Texas, you know that's a value.  Of course we didn't because we were drunk and stupid.

Note:  I didn't drink for long in my life and decided I would rather get stupid with something which doesn't leave me puking into a gutter.

I'll go straight to the bottom and you can kick out from there if you like:  it was horrifying for its brutality and even more for its cowardice.

When the bull enters the ring, the first to deal with it in a major way is some kind of chief coward riding a horse which has padding all up and down its flanks.  I imagine you have already guessed why it was there and, yes, he incites the bush to charge.  The bull pushes the horses up against the wall of the ring and the chief coward stabs it between his shoulder blades with a knife on a long stick.  The purpose of this cowardice is to weaken the bull from loss of blood and to reduce as much as possible the power front legs by cutting tendons or whatever else he hit.

Somewhere in this sequence some 'comedians' come out with colored pikes.  They would dash up to the bull and poke the bull again between the shoulders but these knives have spikes so they wouldn't come back out.  The 'comedians' continue this until the bull is suitably colorful.

The matador, the 'hero' of the show, comes out at that point and he's all dressed-up like a three penny rabbit and is just so damn beautiful.  All the girls want him and all the men want to be him.  Ain't life grand and ain't it even better when that life can kill something.  It doesn't get much hotter than that.

The 'hero' then makes his little show and, in due time, he skewers the bull between its shoulders and kills it.

There is no romance, there is no heroism, there is only a dead bull and a whole lot of blood in the sand.

(Ed:  you will never be a Hemingway!)

Do you seriously think I want to be after he wrote that crap dramatizing the bullfighting in Spain.  Fuck him.

It's pleasing to report Spain has been shutting down bullrings and some gigantic stadia have been converted for other purposes.  It's unknown how far along they are with it or if Mexico is even trying to get rid of them.  We hope it is soon and that people become more aware animals do not exist for our amusement.  Just ask them.

(Ed:  I can't)


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