Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Response from Facebook is Primal and Typical

The only response to come from the following article, "An Abysmal Lack of Knowledge in Facebook," was 'fuck you' and a simple 'whoops, I made a mistake on that one' would have been sufficient but not on Facebook, never on Facebook.

And so the courage of online which cannot even face its own mistakes.  As we have seen in the news, neither can America.  The only one I've seen with a fair admission of the failure of the last fifteen years has been Kannafoot.  There's no hope of rectifying problems when people choose to ignore them.

If you don't understand why I keep the majority of the discussion on the blog, that should serve as a fairly good example of it.  There's more masturbatory mindlessness on Facebook just now with their war talk than you could find anywhere else unless it's the obscene display on CNN.  No wonder it's so easy to manipulate the hoi polloi.

So, enough of that.  Playing patty cake on Facebook was never such a waste of time as yesterday.  People avoid truth like it's a dentist preparing a root canal and, even after he starts drilling, they pretend it isn't happening.

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