Monday, November 16, 2015

Muhammad Ali is a Muslim

Cassius Clay was a brilliant young boxer, maybe the best there ever was.

He converted to Islam and you know him much better today as Muhammad Ali, the Greatest.

Muhammad Ali's conversion to Islam was the basis for his conscientious objection to the Vietnam War and he was crucified for it.  He stood up for his beliefs and he was beaten down in every possible way.

Note:  the term 'crucified' is not used lightly because you know already who did it.

Muhammad Ali was stripped of everything but he fought back through the courts and eventually earned back his title.

Ali is the Greatest and always will be.  He will never be forgotten although some parts of his life do not seem to be recalled very well.  He is the finest example of heroism in my mind.  He stood up, alone if he must, to say what's right and he lived it.

I can never be worthy but I can always show him respect.

As to non-violence, he was asked about his professional fighting and he said (roughly), "Sure I beat people up.  It's my job."

We have never seen violence from him anywhere else and he has lived every word of his beliefs.  We have enormous respect for him and that will never die.

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