Many wish to ignore anything close to a bummer and prefer to see pictures of flowers and stories about chocolate. That's fine but we don't accept it here as we strongly believe we have poor leaders because we don't expect much of them and don't hold them to task when they fail.
You can see it now with DINOs praising Obama like he invented Saran Wrap and ignoring altogether the deficiencies. RINOs see nothing but deficiencies so their judgment has little value.
The content of the material here is sometimes coarse and so is life, pretending it's not is what brings a whole lot of heartache to people. Sometimes you just have to say what the fuck.
Note: ten points if you guessed "Risky Business" but now just try to get the thought out of your mind of a young Tom Cruise in his underwear.
CNN attempts their tiresomely hackneyed fear mongering with consideration of the difficulty of bombing a US airliner. Even if it can be done, so what.
(Ed: heartless bastard!)
Really. As we've reviewed previously, it takes about a ton of heroin every day to supply US junkies. That's as accurate as we can figure based on the number of US junkies consuming heroin at a conservative rate of a gram per day. Consider further the weight of the cocaine coming into the country each day to supply people who may not necessarily be textbook junkies but it's only a different form of addiction. Likely the weight in cocaine is substantially higher due to the number of users.
If importation of these drugs is not terrorism then just what the hell would you call it.
Insofar as a likely two tons or more of narcotic contraband come into the country every day, how much of a stretch is it to consider that might have been C4 and you could easily import enough explosives to blow a city off the map.
Homeland Security and its hyper vigilance of airport security to inspect whatever you have in your shoes is peachy if want to bust small-time individual traffickers (i.e. drug mules) but it addresses in no way whatsoever the much more obvious flaws in the security system which inspects hardly anything which comes into the country because of the immense volume.
If you want to be scared, knock yourselves out but I suggest finding a real leader instead of the second-rate corporate patsies we have endured for at least thirty years. We need a real leader and not a suck-up to corporate clowns who don't want anything inspected, lest it cost them money.
Bernie Sanders in three days in Fort Worth for Veterans Day parade. If in any way possible we will be there. We wouldn't even get out of our chairs for any of the others unless it's for laughs.
Maybe you see the video from earlier and think what's the problem but sitting about is not too bad. It's moving around which drains me quickly and that's why the delay in recording the track I need for "The End of the World in Fort Worth." I have no definitive answer on what causes it and will be back at Fort Worth VA early in the morning.
As with bombers, whackjobs, and miscellaneous fruitcakes, we want a leader to address them rather than dance with them but we don't sit about chewing our fingernails waiting. What the fuck, you know.
You can see it now with DINOs praising Obama like he invented Saran Wrap and ignoring altogether the deficiencies. RINOs see nothing but deficiencies so their judgment has little value.
The content of the material here is sometimes coarse and so is life, pretending it's not is what brings a whole lot of heartache to people. Sometimes you just have to say what the fuck.
Note: ten points if you guessed "Risky Business" but now just try to get the thought out of your mind of a young Tom Cruise in his underwear.
CNN attempts their tiresomely hackneyed fear mongering with consideration of the difficulty of bombing a US airliner. Even if it can be done, so what.
(Ed: heartless bastard!)
Really. As we've reviewed previously, it takes about a ton of heroin every day to supply US junkies. That's as accurate as we can figure based on the number of US junkies consuming heroin at a conservative rate of a gram per day. Consider further the weight of the cocaine coming into the country each day to supply people who may not necessarily be textbook junkies but it's only a different form of addiction. Likely the weight in cocaine is substantially higher due to the number of users.
If importation of these drugs is not terrorism then just what the hell would you call it.
Insofar as a likely two tons or more of narcotic contraband come into the country every day, how much of a stretch is it to consider that might have been C4 and you could easily import enough explosives to blow a city off the map.
Homeland Security and its hyper vigilance of airport security to inspect whatever you have in your shoes is peachy if want to bust small-time individual traffickers (i.e. drug mules) but it addresses in no way whatsoever the much more obvious flaws in the security system which inspects hardly anything which comes into the country because of the immense volume.
If you want to be scared, knock yourselves out but I suggest finding a real leader instead of the second-rate corporate patsies we have endured for at least thirty years. We need a real leader and not a suck-up to corporate clowns who don't want anything inspected, lest it cost them money.
Bernie Sanders in three days in Fort Worth for Veterans Day parade. If in any way possible we will be there. We wouldn't even get out of our chairs for any of the others unless it's for laughs.
Maybe you see the video from earlier and think what's the problem but sitting about is not too bad. It's moving around which drains me quickly and that's why the delay in recording the track I need for "The End of the World in Fort Worth." I have no definitive answer on what causes it and will be back at Fort Worth VA early in the morning.
As with bombers, whackjobs, and miscellaneous fruitcakes, we want a leader to address them rather than dance with them but we don't sit about chewing our fingernails waiting. What the fuck, you know.
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