Thursday, November 12, 2015

Facebook Notify and the Blazing Offense to Freedom of the Press

Anything which constrains freedom of the press in any way whatsoever should be burned the ground and stomped into the mud.  It has no place in a free society and any constraint on dissemination of news is tantamount to Fascism.

Perhaps extreme but we have seen with every totalitarian government anywhere the immediate effort to take over the news.  It's the first priority in any takeover situation as they who control the news can control the people.

Facebook Notify seeks to gather news sources and subsequently feed them to your iPhone, 'droid, or whatever your prefer.  On the surface, this seems like a convenient resource but what it leaves out altogether is the news sources it fails to present.  Through mainstreaming various channels, this approach elevates them to prominence and relegates the others to obscurity, thus deliberately perverting the fundamental purpose of a free press.

Facebook Notify should be burned to the ground and immediately as a direct insult to freedom of the press and every aspect of American freedom or the rights of free people across the globe.

Demand it stop immediately or burn it to the ground if they will not desist.  There is no way in any free society for any constraint on the news to be acceptable no matter how benign the presentation of the proposal.  As was noted in a study of Hitler's speeches, his earliest ones relied heavily on references to love.

We don't want that love ... ever.

Burn it to the ground.

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