Thursday, October 31, 2013

More on Scottish Independence

The U.K. Home Secretary Moots has said Scottish independence is a risk to Scotland's security because an independent Scotland will no longer have access to intelligence gathering by the GCHQ and to some extent, presumably, the NSA and there will be a greater risk of terrorist attacks.

The Scots have said this is rubbish and they aren't having any of the fear-mongering.  They also said they want independence as they don't want any Scots participating in illegal wars.  They said further that nuclear weapons on submarines, etc will be banned from Scotland's ports.

Moots also said Scotland may not be able to continue to use the pound for its currency.  This also is rubbish as an independent Scotland would either use its own pound and let it float independently from the British pound or, probably more likely, it would convert to the euro.

The more I hear of Scottish independence, the more I like it.  This is much more than flag-waving.

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