Monday, April 3, 2017

Uh Oh, Trixie is in Labor ... and Describing It

There are no children in my life so what do I know about labor.  I figured if anyone can make it interesting then Trixie is the one and she tells us up front about the miracle of life and all manner of blessed things and then she suggests if you are pregnant at this time then google quokka and call it a day.

Here's a quokka and I'm reasonably sure I'm not pregnant but I had to know wtf is a quokka.

For those who stay with her past the quokka, Trixie tells us how it really is:  LABOUR SUCKS BALLS.

For men, the biggest question is whether it's the Worst Possible Pain and we can't possibly know but we know some fairly expressive pains from our male lives so we wonder.  From my own life, I offer the time I whacked the cojones on the gas tank of a Harley and I lay on the ground after wondering if my balls were on fire.  I really believed that since what else could explain it.  Now that fuckin' hurt.

After listening to Trixie for a bit, any thoughts of a future pregnancy may evaporate instantly.  However, she does a recovery to tell people how much she loves having her daughter with her now and overall I found the presentation charming plus the quokka is adorable.  At the end there's a pose with her daughter and she's li'l red-headed tyke, also adorable.

Note:  don't think about feeding a quokka since you will take a fine for AU$300 for that because it can easily make them sick.  So long as you don't do that, you should get along fine since they have little fear of humans so I guess they will hang around with you.

Also, they're nocturnal so they would make lousy pets.  Leave 'em alone.

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