Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Washingtonian WMD Wizards Apparently Expect to Be Believed

Who can forget the fun with Washington when every one of those Bush Disciples was swearing on a stack of Bibles there are Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.  They even corrupted the only honest member of their cadre, Colin Powell, and he started doing it too.

Now the Pentagon asks, "Why don't you believe us?"

The Rockhouse replies, "Just why the fuck would anyone believe you assholes?"

RT:  US accuses Moscow of ‘sowing doubt’ over narrative of Assad’s culpability in chemical attack

“We have gone back through and looked at all the evidence we can and it’s very clear who planned this attack, who authorized this attack and who conducted this attack itself,” Defense Secretary James Mattis said Tuesday adding that he has “no doubt” that Assad was responsible.

- RT

That from the same monkeys who haven't provided one scintilla of proof the Russians ever hacked anything and they didn't have any doubt about that either.  One thing we notice about the Pentagon, it fucking never has any doubt and that's unusual for an organization with such a poor record of success.

No-one has to 'sow any doubt' about Pentagon credibility; we need only look at their history to observe there has been no credibility at least back to when they worked with Henry Kissinger to slaughter Salvador Allende.

Hardly anyone believes the Pentagon nor does anyone have a reason to believe them when they have so determinedly lied so many times.  They get caught in their lies and the pantywaist politicians don't have the balls to do anything about it so the Pentagon keeps on doing it.

The Pentagon has been and remains the most virulent disease on the planet since the Black Death around the 14th Century.

Ed:  even worse than Hitler?

How the fuck should I know when I wasn't even born yet.  Fucking Hitler has become the baseline for everything.  Well ... is he worse than that, people ask.  In variably that will get expert testimony in response about Hitler ... from people who also had no personal knowledge of him.

Ed:  Hitler is just a red herring?

Well, more like a loud, ugly, pink herring, mate.

Besides, Trump is nothing like Hitler since Der Führer was a master snake charmer but Trump is just another carpetbagger.  The German girls loved Hitler and wanted to have his babies but American girls don't even want Trump's existing family.

Hitler didn't just outmatch Trump; he did it easily.

The only result of all the noise about Hitler is the Pentagon took him for a standard and figure, well, so long as we don't kill twelve million people like he did then we can do whatever we want.  So far, that's played perfectly for them.

Sarah Palin called the American people 'sheeple' and she that was the only thing she got right and now Vladimir Putin advises Americans are 'bobbleheads' and why not after he was seen the Pentagon use the same half dozen smart bomb videos for the last twenty years and people went, ooh, wow, every time.  (RT:  ‘Nodding like bobbleheads’: Putin slams NATO’s support for US violation of intl law in Syria)


Anonymous said...

So much for asking Putin to remove Assad. As he has already declared there would be many false chemical attack claims in the future to discredit Assad.
The world doesn't need future claims. Any person of reasonable sensibilities knows the attack happened. And know it contained chemical weapons.
So much as your claims Putin is a great leader. Just another one who cares about his interests be damned with what is right.

Unknown said...

I know every attempt to personalize a war has ended in a country in chaos and the people trying to get the hell out of it. It's the same question to open any project meeting: what problem are we trying to solve. Until people agree on that much, nothing productive will happen.