Saturday, April 1, 2017

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Owns April Fools Day

Ordinarily, the Rockhouse loathes April Fools Day but some incredibly rare times may be comical and the Russians scored a great one.  (RT:  ‘Press 2 if hackers needed’: Russian FM April Fools voicemail leaves US media unamused)

"You have reached the Russian embassy, your call is very important to us. To arrange a call from a Russian diplomat to your political opponents, press one," the message posted on the ministry’s official Facebook page says, playing first in Russian, then in English.

"To use the services of Russian hackers press two," it goes on.

"To request election interference, press three and wait until the next election campaign. Please note that all calls are recorded for quality improvement and training purposes."

- RT

It's glorious and high five to our Russian comrades.  They help to preserve our belief there are still funny people in the world.

The Establishment sputtering must have been hilarious to watch.

However, not everyone seems to be into April Fools mood, as Matthew Chance, a senior CNN reporter called it an "attempt to sort of laugh off the very serious allegations" during a live interview on the network.

- RT

Calm yourself, Matthew.  Consider buying a dog.

Accusations have flown about all over the place and there's never been any substantive validation of the truth of any of it.  The Rockhouse is so fucking tired of these yokels spewing crap without the tiniest notion of whether it's true.  As far as I can tell y'all are fed-up with it as well.

One more fucking word out of Jason Chaffetz and we need to let the flying monkeys out.  Enough of it.

I've lost track of which side any given Senator is playing for the Russians Are Demons schtick but there's not much point in tracking it since there's almost no interest in the way they're setting up a government shutdown with the new budget.  Their sense of priority, as ever, sets a sterling example.

Washington is still populated by humorless wallflowers.  Russians get the funny ones and we get clods.

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