Saturday, April 8, 2017

Protests to Syrian Bombing Grow Across America Like the Old Vietnam Protests

A steadily-growing number of Americans has had it with Washington's malice and its lies.  America has been here before and we found at that time how to end it.  Talking to the wardogs wasn't enough then and it won't be enough now.  (RT:   'Emergency' protests across US demand 'Hands off Syria' (VIDEOS, PHOTOS))

People participate in a demonstration against the recent U.S. strike in Syria, in New York, U.S., April 7, 2017

© Stephanie Keith / Reuters

So many Americans are furious about the way Washington is relentlessly wasting lives and money in their vicious and pointless excursions while willfully neglected just about any kind of domestic matter.  Governments have tried this at various times in history but none ever survived doing it.

As likely will come as no surprise to you, neither Washington nor the Pentagon has a plan for whatever will happen after these attacks.  Sending any of those jokers for a pizza is a singularly bad idea since it will never occur to them that they need the car to get back.

Right now Washington even tries to find a way to make the chemical explosions Russia's fault.  The unmitigated shamelessness of those murdering thugs in Washington has no limit whatever.  There's no need to review citations to validate their evidence since they don't have any.  Did you ever see anything at all which showed the truth of claims of Russian hacking.  In MSM, truth isn't necessary; it's only important to make people believe it.

Some of y'all were telling me Hillary Clinton was not such a bad job but you know from her militarism she would have done this even faster than Trump; there's nothing in the Middle East she wouldn't mind killing.  It's a situation of zero sum gain when we end up with the same kind of spineless trash in the White House either way.

After a few minutes of blasting by the CIA once they get into town they become instant invertebrates.  It happened to Obama, it happened to Trump, and Clinton never had a spine in the first place when we saw she rolled over for every bank in town.

Note:  unknown which team trolled the most dirty money in Election 2016 but my general guess is it was about a tie and the country still smells from it.  Even yesterday Clinton was still giving speeches like a spurned Florence Nightingale.  I'm tellin' you ... the bitch is shameless.

Misogyny is certainly what did me in, she says.  By the way, send the check to my home in Connecticut.

Misogyny had nothing to do it since being a woman is just more blubber in a town which is loaded with more blubber than a Japanese whaleboat.

The answer still remains the same:  find Citizens United and stab it in its the fucking black heart.  Stop the dirty money before it ever gets near the creeps who have shown so determinedly they are more than willing to take it.

Ed:  who can refuse a million-dollar bribe?

Do I have to kill anyone?

Ed:  no

OK, I'm in.  Where do I get my check?

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