Thursday, April 13, 2017

Melenchon Zooms France to the Left

The Rockhouse has railed about Marine Le Pen and her devastatingly progressive ideas about taking France to the 19th Century while making it even whiter than Connecticut.

A much more interesting candidate comes to us in Jean-Luc Melenchon.

Ed:  is Jean-Luc the French equivalent of Billy Bob and we just think it's cool because it's French?

It does seem so.

Scratch his idea about a 100% tax on the extreme rich as that won't happen; they will have him murdered first and they can afford it.

His ideas about the military are accurate but still comical.  He says any investment in the French military just creates reservists for the American Army and, by the way, we need to get the hell out of NATO.

You know the Rockhouse will love this man.

The video is kind of fairy tale with numbers when they say he's zooming up the charts as he sits with 18% and Marine Le Pen sits with 24%.  However, that doesn't reveal the delta in how much either has changed and which way the direction went.  My understanding is Le Pen is falling due to that savage crap she said about the Holocaust whereas Melenchon is rising.

Ed:  the CIA will have him killed.  The Left Wing is not permitted in their EconoWorld (i.e. lawyers, guns, and money ... nothing else matters).

They usually do but maybe he will last longer than the others.

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