Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Science of Music is Loud and it Moves Things

Here we have science which tells us of something we knew already.  (Science Daily:  Dances with waves: Breakthrough in moving small objects using acoustics)

Two words:  rock concert

You will see tiny things moving about in a rock concert like you never saw before ... but this may not be what they meant.

Researchers of Aalto University have made a breakthrough in controlling the motion of multiple objects on a vibrating plate with a single acoustic source. By playing carefully constructed melodies, the scientists can simultaneously and independently move multiple objects on the plate towards desired targets.

- Science Daily

Credit:  Quan Zhou / Aalto University

One immediately intriguing aspect is the scientists think this type of vibrational study and technique may be used to control the movement of things in or on fluids.  Perhaps that means it would be possible to employ this toward managing the plastic litter accumulating on the Pacific Ocean.  Perhaps it's possible to direct that floating garbage toward some type of collection device / process.

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