Sunday, September 11, 2016

Let's Tour the Rat Patrol News (CNN, Fox, Guardian) ... or Let's Not

CNN and Fox are never more than bad jokes but The Guardian sometimes has content and there's material lately regarding the gross abuses of power by the CIA in Congress.  OK, so that's got beef the Yank tabloid rags will never have but the Guardian editorial columnists are at least as insipid and / or misguided as the wretches on Yank scratch-and-sniif news so it comes out about the same.  But The Guardian often posts some really sensational photography from random sources.

There was some comedy a few days ago in which there were screams of 'Commie collaborator' and recently Joseph McCarthy has been the walking dead zombie from the fifties only now stumbling about in Clinton's regrettable form.  This came after Trump gave an interview to Larry King, two notorious pinkos, right?  The interview was on Russia Today which any American propagandist and / or pony boy can tell you is (cough) rife with propaganda.

Note: a pony boy is a Yank with a Mustang who thinks he's a bad ass until the Lambo shows up.

Note:  there's probably some propagandizing in terms of reporting the Russian economy possibly doing better than reality but there's little room for it elsewhere because their journos don't do the endless specious and often blindly false editorializing of the plasti-journos in American reporting.  RT has editorial journos but I rarely review their material; I want facts and specifically not opinions about facts.  American journos seem to give nothing but editorials and, in a news context, that's no more useful than going to Disney World to hear "It's a Small, Small World" (and I still hate that fucking awful song).

Unknown if this will be perceived as incendiary but, insofar as you think for yourselves, I don't think it's likely.  Whatever Clinton does or doesn't isn't that interesting but the techniques are a riot.  Girl or whatever you are, you're seriously rolling out Joe McCarthy and Commie blacklists again?

Come on, set me straight.  Bill told you to say that for laughs, right?

The object isn't to get incendiary but to dance with a Jell-O mold as we go, holy fuck, this is going to be a weird one and, oh, please don't get any of that stuff on my dance card, if you can possibly prevent it.

There's no intention in specific bashing of candidates because I marvel so much at the patent absurdity of all of it.  One screams out, 'you're ridiculous' and, moments later through the morass of online, the other screams back, 'you're more ridiculous.'  What's more, you're deplorable and you're ridiculous.  You're ridiculously deplorable.

Well, ok.  Sure glad we settled that, huh?

Mystery Lady, no worries about this getting out-of-hand with polarization because the It Don't Mean Doodlysquat Party doesn't believe it matters who wins because the outcome will be the same:

"We're going to need some more FBI guys, I guess."
- Officer Dwayne T. Robinson in "Die Hard"

The biggest campaign here is to get something recorded while wearing the eBay monkey suit but some strength is returning so I'm kind of watching and stuffing food into myself as my guttywuts will take it.  Little sign of blood so that course seems brighter as it goes.  Maybe a Full Moon ahead and we really dig the crazy in that.  What's better for wild electric jams than a Full Moon.

(ML:  a fifth of tequila?)

Here's the deal:  you don't talk about the tequila and I don't talk about the 151 Rum at the Funny Bone comedy club.  My memory is just fine, darlin' (larfs).  I just don't remember why I walked into the kitchen just now.

(ML:  what tequila?)

I don't remember (larfs).

The second biggest campaign is to get more pics into the Ithaka map but it has the unfortunate drawback of being such a screaming nostalgic pain in the ass.  I have a lotta lotta pics from Greece and I do want to roll more out but such a drag to do it.  (cue violins)

Taking that back to the top, the vibe stays generally cool when the Rat Patrol isn't in it but I'll be keeping Russia Today around because the irony of it being the most straight-up source of news about America cracks me up on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

Would love to see that happen with the pics! ML

Unknown said...

I really do want to put them out there because it's stupid to keep them in a private pile and it's not too terrible once it gets rolling so the main deal is get on with it and fookin' do it.

Anonymous said...

Advise: NEVER drink 151 on an empty stomach!!

Anonymous said...

Especially in a pink drink with whipped cream on top!!

Unknown said...

As the one who did not pass out, I can attest to the high merit of this advice.

Sometimes the stories with the best legs are the ones which didn't turn out quite according to plan.