Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Mexicans Won't Take Your Job But Robots Will

The theme of the robotic revolution has been long-running on Ithaka with frequent references to science which is researching progressively more sophisticated applications for 'bots.  That research has gone far beyond 'bots to bolt fenders to cars on assembly lines and many perform high-level medical diagnostics (e.g. analysis of the diagnostics with high accuracy in interpretation).

Now with a bit of 'better late than never,' we have the journos getting excited.  (RT:  Make way for our future overlords: Robots to take 6 percent of jobs by 2021)

We really don't need a melodramatic title like that but the shift in responsibility in the work force has been regarded as inevitable at Ithaka for quite some time.  That low-end jobs are being replaced is something we have seen already but the increasing sophistication in the capability of the 'bots makes progressively more delicate jobs available for assumption by machines.

For Boomers, this was largely a theoretical thing with cries of 'computers will take your jobs' and that sort of thing.  We could grok it in concept but things seemed marginally cool since computers wound up being the cause of scads of menial cubicle jobs.  The pitch was America's product is information now and you can play all day with what America really got ... and many of you can since you're not working.

The actual evolution in which machines move heavily into the work place is moving in many directions at once and it's for the Millennials to get cracking to own this since junior jobs are the most obvious targets.  The CEOs will never buy hardware to replace themselves even when it probably wouldn't be that difficult.  After all, if you take the CEO down to the assembly line to bolt fenders, he or she won't be able to do it.  Their skills are really relatively limited and thus they're perfect candidates for 'bots.  That won't ever happen, tho.

As evidence of the above, today's Ethical Dilemma and Political Cheapshot goes as follows:  you can save the life of one person, Elon Musk or Hillary Clinton, but you can only save one so whom shall it be.  Here at the Rockhouse, we will save Musk because decision makers are a dime a dozen but inventors are rare.

In previous discussions of 'when will the robots get here,' there was some thinking of, oh, that won't be until 2050 or so.  That estimate was taken as far too conservative here at the Rockhouse and here we see further vindication of that position since the report is about what happens in five years, not fifty.

Maybe the Millennials fret with, oh, oh, what should I do.

Plan "A" is to dive into a life of cubicles and corporate crime.  Find out about the machines and sign up to be a sales rep pushing robots for ten percent of the action and, yes, sir, we can reduce your production costs with our 'bots by a megabuck year over year and ...

Yah, so you could do that and likely make big bucks.  The tats may be a problem since the corporate world probably isn't going to dig too much that cool third eye you had tattooed on your forehead.

Plan "B" is to program robots and make the big bucks but consider how many make the big bucks writing computer games (i.e. hardly anyone but millions try).  This one is fraught with peril and you will have to be very damn good to survive.

Plan "C" is to join the neo-Weathermen and go about blowing up the 'bots for the sake of the New World.  Well, sure, you could do this too but maybe give this one a wee bit  more consideration since it's not likely you will be able to escape to Cuba anymore.

The short read on that is we don't know how this evolution will play for Millennials but we do know these machines are coming and it would behoove the Millennials to get their skates on because they will need a whole lot of flexibility to live with it or even better to prosper with it.

This is not Doom and Gloom but rather awareness and those who prepare almost always do the best.  Decrying the possibility of this coming is inevitable Doom and Gloom because that leaves you with nothing when it happens.  Yah, so go off looking for those skates.  You're going to need them.  Some will see that as exciting and those will do best of all.

So, go forth and evolve.  Best of luck to all of you.

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