Saturday, April 8, 2017

Reaching for the Oneness with the Fluorescent Green Sante Fe Tree Frog

The polka-dot tree frog has been discovered to be the world’s first fluorescent frog, near Santa Fe in Argentina

Photograph: Taboada Faivovich/AFP/Getty Images

You probably thought your life was full enough already but that was before the Fluorescent Green Tree Frog of Santa Fe and he's not some twisted GMO experiment.

The Fluorescent Green Tree Frog of Santa Fe is surely lit so brightly so he can show us the way.  First we must grok the Oneness to fully understand the spirit so we know which way is the right one for there are many frogs and many ways.

Om ...

Ed:  is he good to eat?

Your best bet with every frog in South America is to assume it's deadly poisonous.  Hint:  many of them are.  When this guy is advertising so brightly, his stuff will probably kill you in forty-seven seconds or less.  The most colorful ones are the most dangerous.

It's cool having bullfrogs in the pond at the bottom of the property but how much cooler if there were fluorescent polka-dog tree frogs in there as well.  They can bring one more voice to the nightly frog symphony.

The frog symphony at night in Tennessee is unlike anything I have heard anywhere else.  Tennessee has all kinds of frogs with a wide variety from big ones to little ones.  One more can't possibly hurt, particularly when it's fluorescent.

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