Saturday, April 8, 2017

Petra and the Last Crusade

Many will likely know Petra from "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" and that's what attracted me to a video on the history of it.

Take it easy on getting inside it since there's nothin' much inside it because The Treasury is a tomb as were all of the carvings.  That may seem like it pops the bubble for the story but really it's only a tiny part of it.  The things the Nabataeans accomplished were magnificent and demonstrated extraordinary engineering.  This was back around the time of Jesus.  In fact, the Wise Men had frankincense and myrrh so this is likely where they got it.

As I found, Petra was huge and was a major center of commerce at the time ... in the middle of a desert.  The way they did it is scarcely believable for such a distant time.

The story doesn't reveal all that fast so go the hour or consider installments but otherwise it won't work out for you.  There's nothing like they found Atlantis or some such but Petra was remarkable and the engineering was spectacular.

If you want the sixty-second view of Petra, here's the WIKI:  Petra.

The WIKI and the video aren't consistent regarding the decline of Petra and that explanation comes toward the end of the saga.  I was surprised at how interesting how I found it.

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