Saturday, April 8, 2017

Jessica Farrar Repeatedly Beats the Bishop in the Texas Legislature

The problem with many Americans is they're just not funny anymore but Jessica Farrar is a non-stop riot since she has introduced legislation to regulate masturbation in Texas.  Given Texas is the home of the Dallas Cowboys, you know how much it will cripple the state if even masturbation is not allowed.   (Chron:  Texas masturbation bill is now in the hands of the Texas State Affairs Committee)

Jessica Farrar ... because women in politics don't have to be stiff and evil dowagers from Connecticut.  Note:  that's the same place America found the Bush family so it further shows they never learn.

In March, Texas State Rep. Jessica Farrar, D-Houston, filed a bill that would penalize men for "unregulated masturbatory emissions" and the bill has now made its way into the hands of the Texas State Affairs Committee on Tuesday.

The committee is typically the panel that hears abortion-related legislation and it will now address Farrar's House Bill 4620, which is named the "Men's Right to Know Act."

- Chron

The Rockhouse loves this woman.  You are funny, lady.  Can you imagine how pissed some of those Texas stiffs are getting in Austin before they have their legislative sessions.  "Why, hell, that dang woman is an offense against God and nature!"

Erm, according your Good Book, so is pulling the pud, padre.

Ms Farrar has reason to be pissed.

"A lot of people find the bill funny," Farrar told in March. "What's not funny are the obstacles that Texas women face every day, that were placed there by legislatures making it very difficult for them to access healthcare."

- Chron

You go, Ms F, and you put those prigs up against the wall.  America is strangling on OPR (i.e. Other People's Religion) and that those pud-pattin' padrones really need to shut up to go off to do quietly that which they do best.

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