Monday, April 3, 2017

Boston is Fished Out But the Fishermen Won't Stop

The Feds ran a survey which showed the cod fish populations in the Boston area have dropped eighty percent in only ten years.  Massachusetts has a good GOP governor and no way he was going to believe the Feds so he spent another half million dollars or so to confirm the report was true.  The fishermen said the first report was crap and, what do you know, they said the second one is crap as well.  (Boston Globe:  A milestone in the war over the true state of cod)

Fishing boat getting under way from Boston Harbor presumably.

The pitch from the fishermen is you won't know the number of fish unless you go where they are but that's a deliberate misunderstanding of an area survey to determine the total population.  It makes no difference if the fish still exist in isolated pockets when they have been wiped out elsewhere.

Vito Giacalone, policy director of the Northeast Seafood Coalition in Gloucester, which represents many of the region’s commercial fishermen, maintained that the state surveys had some of the same flaws as the federal surveys.  Rather than conducting random sampling throughout the Gulf of Maine, the researchers should have trawled for cod in areas where fishermen are finding them, he and other critics said.

- BG

Vito, an obvious Mafia member with a name like that, has set their direction as fishing the area until all cod are gone but that shouldn't take too much given how much the population is destabilized already.

The state’s surveys, conducted on an industry trawler, also found a dearth of juvenile cod and large cod, suggesting that the population could remain in distress for years. The lack of small cod reflects limited reproduction, while the absence of the larger fish is a problem because they’re capable of prolific spawning.

- BG

This aspect of it is the most disturbing since fishermen want the big fat healthy ones which can spawn frequently and that has cut off the population at the bottom as well with reduced numbers of young ones.  That's just about as unstable as a population gets of any kind.

It's a similar kind of thing in many developed nations since they don't make enough babies to keep the countries growing so they need immigrants to make up the shortfall.  That would work great if people weren't such xenophobic pricks but so it goes.

This is in-your-face global warming since the fish leave for colder waters.  That the fishermen cannot cope with the fact is just one of a zillion effects which will come from failure to address the problem and instead pretending it does not exist.

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