Friday, October 14, 2016

Climate Change Will Make You More Sexy, Even Republicans (maybe)

A tiny crustacean has shown a novel reaction to the environment anticipated on Earth in one hundred years or less with higher temperatures and a more acidic ocean.  The first is the males grow a bigger claw so right away the Viagra golfers scream out, 'Oh yeah, bring me the heat!'  (Science Daily:  Climate change will see some males get sexier)

Here is their evidence:

"It got even more interesting, however, when we dug deeper and found that males were much larger in size than in previous generations under cooler waters and lower CO2, and their bigger claws were disproportionately larger still. Females stayed the same size.

"On top of that, where there had been variation in large claw size throughout the population, suddenly all the males had large claws. This happened within a few generations.

- Science Daily

This indicates the funeral for the GOP which has largely self-immolated already (but transmogrified into the neo Democrats) since Donnie boy has been talking about his 'whanger' on the national stage and, gents, what do we know about a 'man' who brags about his 'whanger?'

Righty, right, mates.  He's got a teenie weenie.  (Money makes it look much bigger and that's the secret to the GOP)

But I digress (larfs).

The significance of the larger claw is more than an anthropomorphic symbol for the crew which looks a lot at the pictures in "Penthouse" a lot as the claw is used for aggression / defense with these creatures but it's also a primary sexual symbol to their females.  'Say there, that's a nice set of antlers you have there, Bucko!'

The intriguing aspect is the environmental change did not lead to an increase in the size of the females and this type of disparity is highly-magnetic to scientists so they arrive with a kit packed with wtf???

Because the future climate change conditions also promoted increased growth of the marine algae which amphipods eat, constraints on competition for food were removed, allowing males to support their energy-demanding bigger claws and enabling the population to grow.

"We know that climate change will be cataclysmic for many species but in some cases it will not," says Dr Munguia. "This is the first quantitative example of how it will be beneficial for some individual species, albeit with massive consequences to the environment overall.

- Science Daily

Fear not for climate change because sand fleas are going to make it and quite well apparently.  There was some good science yesterday indicating a previous global climate change was caused by impact with the Earth by an extra-planetary object.  Therefore, the GOP has been equally or more destructive to the planet than the Killer Asteroid which stalks us now.  Take a bow, boys (larfs).

Note:  regrettably, I do not have the citation on that one so please take my word for it and I believe the Kaninchen are aware I don't bullshit about this type of thing anyway.  This goes back to the difference between ethics and law since I couldn't care less about speeding, blowing the ganja, etc but science is science, man.  It must be unimpeachable truth or it's just another political party.

Typically we consider climate change deadly to everything but here we have clear evidence some species will thrive and therein we see evolution in action.

(Ed:  the Earth will be taken over by sand fleas?)

Apparently so, mate.  It looks like it behooves the wise traveler to work on growing a bigger claw to keep up.

This segues handily to Today's Scientific Special in which we offer the K-Tel Penis Extender for, get this, only ninety-nine ninety-five.  As many of you, mostly conservatives are aware, this is an astounding deal so you MUST ACT NOW!

(Ed:  is that true?)

Come off it, mate.  Would you really use such a thing!  My minimal manliness would benefit from such a thing but there's no way I will subject that to some patent machine even when we know girth is important.

That segues to how much of a buffoon Dennis Miller makes of himself and presumably explains why he no longer does high profile interviews with the stars.  In talking with Sandra Bullock about some prying aspect of sexuality, he asked her, "Is girth important?"

Next stop is Fox News for you, Whanger Boy.

My first thought on seeing Sandra Bullock is about how stunningly beautiful she is and the next, likely followed in quick succession, is 'will ya, won't ya' but asking her about the significance of girth is down is down to priority at the level of how much she enjoys slime molds and / or World Wrestling Federation.  Kee-rist, Miller!  Work on growing that claw, buddy.  Ask a sand flea.


liv said...

I'm not sure what to make of this post. That said, I think everyone needs to calm down about global warming (or it making you sexier). What we need to do is focus on what's right. More to the point, there's such an opportunity for most people to save money, live better lives and become more eco-friendly if they're educated on how to do so. The by product of this is a reduction in Co2 emissions and global warming. The question is if Americans are unwilling to do it on their own, maybe we need a government that forces this change?

Unknown said...

The reason for the article is to try to make something mildly comical out of something which is aggressively ignored by most of the country.

Education is fair enough since knowledge of the subject at any level seems generally low and there's an extended diatribe on ignorance where it should never exist but that one goes on all day.

The importance of CO2 and fluorocarbons, etc in the overall scheme of change requires a qualified climatologist but that aspect is relatively clear to people even when many don't seem willing to do much about it.

That comes down to the idea most-reviled by everyone in government forcing anything. For some quick examples of that we have regulation of the ganja or the 55 mph speed limit. It don't work so good.

For me that loops back to education and there doesn't seem much of it now but it comes back to another problem of over-burdening the schools and I'm already demanding a more intensive review of Manifest Destiny, etc, etc.

I've no doubt the problem of climate change is real and the biggest variable is the speed it happens. The reason for heightened concern is first the lack of active engagement to mitigate that speed and, second, the lack of preparation since likely it comes anyway because it's not the first time for the Earth. I don't presume to say what that preparation should be but nothing seems clearly the wrong answer.

In the absence of a better answer, education seems the best one but that's got the consideration above on where this can happen since people need to learn things young mostly to really take them to heart.

It's one endlessly frustrating problem.