Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What's Hot on the Blog 10/25


Quantifying - the research is toward predictive ability of models which integrate belief systems and the first question is why do you want this

Progressive Rocketry - regarding a plan to send tiny satellites into orbit and presumably a lot of them

The Most - the one who goes about letting exceptionally painful bugs bite him and presumably he gets paid for it but what a worthless trip

Nanofibers - a significant prophylactic boost to joint replacement surgery

Captain Fantastic - this kid is no damn good but Captain Fantastic would know how to deal with him

The Japanese - the sexbots need only one thing to be, um, perfect and, presto, science is there

The Next - after some bummeroidal articles, the promise was the next one would be good ... but it didn't make the cut this evening (larfs)

Parasitic - when organisms obtain DNA from anywhere other than biological parents, researchers won't be far behind to study the phenomenon

How About - Viggo Mortensen from the Personals side and also a young lady who tours about constantly for almost nothing for some more Personals

A Whole Pile - climate change is about as sexy to people as flossing teeth ... and that's why the Republicans get away with sandbagging any response

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