Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Sixty-Fifth to Doc

Sixty-five is a weird one, isn't it.  Waking up in the morning, there's that kozmik moment of, oh, fuck.  I'm old.  I'm so fucking old.  Sixty-five is the same as near-death, right?  (larfs)

Hopefully that didn't last long and you could get right back to the equilibrium afforded by this moment in the fact breathing is vastly better than not breathing.  So long as there is no crying need for a satisfactory bowel movement, at this age we are generally satisfied.

So long as most of the parts pass the morning checklist then, ok, it's time to roll ... or at least get up.

Well, maybe not get up quite that fast.

Meet Natalya Rudova who is here to teach you about the living hell of Communism.  She simply asks quietly, "What can I show you about Russia first?"

А ты говоришь по русски.  (Do you speak Russian?)

Нет? Я должен научить вас.  (No?  I must teach you.)

But a Mature Man has no concern with frivolous matters of the flesh since we're much more interested in frivolous matters of politics and there may be nothing which ever got more frivolous than political email particularly in concert with Anthony Weiner.

Here is John Oliver to deliver the words so many of us feel about this clusterfuck of an election ...

Please Make It Fucking Stop!

That would be the Oh Hell No gesture from John Oliver.

Hopefully you get a laugh and that seems a peach of a way to start off a birthday.

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