Saturday, September 10, 2016

There's No Rejection of the Fundamental Principles

One of the longstanding of the Rockhouse Principles is I can screw with religion all I like but leave God out of it.  That's not a difficult Principle to support since any type of God satisfies the requirement for 'something to light the fuse' for the Big Bang.  Given that premise, all religions follow and all have a right to exist under the brand new suns which never existed before either.

There are religions which make no logical sense except to the adherents and the American favorite one to hate for that is fundamentalism in which it makes perfect sense and a great deal of money to build a replica of Noah's Ark in Kentucky.  That sort of thing gets ridiculed routinely but the builders laugh all the way to the bank.  They're not fools, they're businessmen, and there's nothing they won't do for a buck.  Invoking the name of the Lord is a ridiculously easy way to make money in America, particularly for those who would not likely have made money any other way.

Lotho may have walked over that since he had thoughts regarding fundamentalism at one time and he knows they're logically indefensible.  Perhaps he thought rather than hanging about for useless combat, hit the trail and be fundamental elsewhere.  Unknown if that happened or if he even has any real association with that thinking anyway.

The fundamentalist view of things was unclear as people can get cagey with the thinking, likely because it's so often attacked.  There's no softening in me for fundamentalism here or anywhere else in the world as I perceive it as one of the worst threats on the planet with Christian Fundamentalism being only the flip side of Muslim Fundamentalism when both want exactly the same thing (i.e. wipe out the other).

Praise Jesus on that, huh?

Fundamentalism is what happens when you get the craziest engineers you can possibly find so you can take a perfectly straightforward road and turn it into this:

Note:  these kinds of roads usually kill at least a carload of teenagers in most years due to 'hilltopping' in which driving the car quickly along this road will result in a temporary feeling of weightlessness on topping any elevated part.  Sometimes the car really does go airborne and that's when they become ex-teenagers.  It's a bad design from any perspective.

What do you know, every fifty feet there's another religious crisis and a reason to ask God for something which won't happen because you can obviously see it will only happen again another fifty feet after.  Welcome to American Fundamentalism.  Carry it to an extreme and no-one will have anything to do with you so off you go with your people to some desert wasteland where you never see anyone (e.g. FLDS and associated depravity).

Note:  when it regards sex and children I'll call it depravity every damn time.

For the Muslim version, click your heels together and say, "Allahu Akbar," a few times.  The disadvantage of this version is American Fundamentalists will accuse you of invading them even though you're not doing it and they will go to your country to kill your children with great righteousness and zero logic.  Get the beauty part as they will send their righteousness in drone bombs because they're too arrogant and too chickenshit to set foot in your worthless wasteland of a country.

This sort of thing dances around with the tenets of individual branches of Christianity and others but says nothing whatever about God floating above all this doing whatever he does.  'Whatever God does' is likely the point of confusion with Mystery Lady and possibly with Cadillac Man to some extent although he and I talk of it from time to time so I'm more sure I'm clear on his thinking as I hope he is with mine.

We may differ on any idea of 'Whatever God does' and we probably do since I say with no intended disrespect I don't believe he does a whole lot.  To my thinking, he made this big ass Universe so now I should ask him for things?  That makes no sense to me but that doesn't dictate what anyone else should believe although I probably won't have much respect for the thinking God will save me if I only buy lottery tickets.

Um, likely a negatory on that, Gladstone, but carry on, carry on ...

The 'Whatever God does' aspect has softened over time since there was a strong interest in atheism because I couldn't accept the validity of any religion when Man behaves so abominably.  All the religions say the other religions are responsible so my conclusion from that was all of them are lying. The refinement on the thinking is preachers frequently lie but that's not the same as the religion doing it.  Just because Creflo Dollar exists doesn't make him a standing example of an indictment of Christianity but rather he's one more selfish, greedy prick in a country which admires such beasts and does nothing at all about Big Pharma in which they do exactly the same thing but without the supercilious smile.  They don't need the supercilious smile and show their contempt directly (e.g. Martin Shkreli).

Mystery Lady, the 'trigger' was a reference to 'continuing to believe as you will' so that implies something I said or wrote which conflicts in some way.  There's no need to get into the ever-so-popular online of he said, she said as it's much more important to restate the Fundamental; I may have different thinking about the specific tenets and it's likely I will but that in no way obviates the idea 'something had to light the fuse.'  What you make of that something is your own business and it's not been my intention at any point in years to defile or marginalize that basic aspect of it all.

Confusion, if it exists at all, is probably associated with Joel Osteen since I have never treated televangelists well and certainly have no intention of starting now.  I'm prepared to back off but only based on credible evidence Jesus ever did anything those beggars in bullshit do now.

Bitchslapping Joel Osteen has nothing whatever to do with the existence of God or Jesus.  There was one old guy, Robert Fuller (I think) who was like your preacherly grandfather or something and he had a gratuitously tasteless church but he gets some slide on that because, after all, he was in California and practically everything out there is gratuitously tasteless (e.g. Kardashians and Jenners, home of the L.A. pop claptrap which destroyed music, etc, etc).

Fuller seemed a straight-up guy with some advisories or so on life.  That seems the thing responsible preachers do in providing comfort and solace in resolving difficult things.  He's the kind of guy of who talks to Brand New Mother when she asks him, why the hell did my baby die.  Does God hate me.

There's no way I will answer that; I'm not a preacher.  Fuller seemed like he would be capable of talking well in such a circumstance and I do mean that as a compliment.

Likely our beliefs, at the top level, don't differ much.  When there's some original firestarter source, everything in the Universe becomes possible because we can explain practically everything past that point with physics and related disciplines.  Everything outside the Universe becomes possible as well because this is the All-Powerful Brightest of All Incandescence Anywhere.  I haven't the slightest idea what that means, what it is, where it is, or anything of that nature but I don't see one scintilla of evidence anyone knows any more than that so it comes back to, well, it looks like something 'lit the fuse.'

In the study of physics, astrophysics, and a great many things, the Universe gets progressively larger as I find all the things scientists have discovered within it.  That gives all the more the impression that what he created is really fucking magnificent.

What we (i.e. Man) created within that is open to endless argument but the root remains the same.  Without a firestarter, we wouldn't even be sitting around cold in a cave trying to catch insects.  Without a firestarter, there's no cave, no insects, and, well, no you.

Hopefully this brings some clarity to the thinking if not necessarily acceptance of my thinking.  Note:  the latter isn't a requirement since all we need is people who can talk about things without shouting.  If God wants anything, surely he wants that.

Just because we love you, here's the original sign of Satanism in Cincinnati, the Proctor & Gamble logo:

Follow along and maybe pick up the melody after I hum a few bars.

- there are thirteen stars for thirteen fallen angels ... hmmm ...

- there are two horns for who knows what Satanic thing ... hmmm ...

- there are three things in his beard at the bottom middle which are backwards and upside-down symbols of the Mark of the Beast ... hmmm ...

For most people, hearing of two horns probably gets you thinking about a jazz band.  Continue and the hmmm culminates with, dayum, you are fuckin' crazy ... but welcome to fundamentalism.


Anonymous said...

Fundamentalist is never a title that could ever be used to me. I would be closer to Larry Erway a Christian Evolutionist. Neither a pure creationist nor a pure evolutionist.
Some would label it scientific creationism. But that philosophy has as many holes as creationism and evolution.

Unknown said...

I know the perils of pigeon holes and anything which isn't full wig fundamentalist probably won't get too bugged by my song and dance.

Someone could go on all day about whether evolution is God's pre-ordained plan and it won't be me but I'm sure someone can. There wouldn't be any burning need to shred the thinking and it's similar to the path to whether anything is preordained. I don't see any reason to tangle with that end of religion / philosophy since faith and whatever size works fits for just about anyone.

So long as something, whatever it was, lit the fuse, everything else spreads like buttah. So long as people don't get to competing over who has the best buttah, things can be highly groovy that way in the "Hair" sense of the word.

I was most concerned Mystery Lady had got to thinking I'm going to go flaming atheist on anything and that ain't goin' happen. Something has to light that thing and the name people give it makes no difference to me. I'm from the Get 'er Done, Bubba school of theology. Bubba, you light that fuse and we're square, bro. I won't ever ask for another thing. Life is simple (larfs).