Monday, September 12, 2016

The Office Which Will Never Be Used

Here's an office which will look oh-so-progressive in "Architecture Today" but which one glance will reveal has no meaningful purpose.

This one scores all the office points:

-  Books underneath a planter where they will likely be destroyed by the moisture

-  A low-power laptop with a low-profile snakebite keyboard suitable only for carpal tunnel while doing trivial things

-  A desk chair suitable only for every ergonomic problem known to modern medicine

-  Wheels guaranteed to wreck the hardwood floor

The room is quite tall, however.  We're sure that's good for something so long as it's painted white and there's nothing on it.  Maybe it's for thinking 'heady' thoughts while preoccupied with social networks.

This looks very much like a room so sterile it could be used as a place to take thinking people to die.

(Ed:  from natural causes?)

Noooo, from extreme boredom and a clinical problem with lack of color.

Here's what a real desk for high-production looks like:

If any computer / musico / video rat can't turn your house into an electronic nightmare, use it as a trade-in on a better one.

(Ed:  the computer rat or the house?)

Your call.

Note:  that's not the current kit.  No need for details as life has ups and downs.  That was my house, my kit, and my electronic nightmare.  Nothing much else remains but the electronic nightmare persists and thanks to Yevette for letting me trash the Rockhouse with it.


This was the original Scarborough Studio on Scarborough Road where Silas Scarborough, amazingly of the same name, was born or spontaneously pixelated as you will.  Yevette had been living there but she had split back to Texas so things do go around, sometimes over years.  Wheels within wheels, if you like.

This must be around 2004 or maybe 2005 since it was after Lotho and crew had visited and that was the best gas of a time which ever happened up there.  After that I turned the entire living room / den area into nothing but a colossal music / video studio.  There was no debt from that and the reason everything collapsed was because of the cut to half salary when I got sick.  It was just simple arithmetic after that.

There's minimal thinking of what I could do if I still had it but there's a load of thinking of, well, what can I do with what I have now.  Plus I had to shovel a LOT of snow up in Rhode Island and I fookin' hated it.  I would do whatever was necessary to sustain the music but I wouldn't spend a dime on a snowblower.

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