Friday, September 16, 2016

The "Fashion Is My Life" Set Must Happen Soon

The crazy tuxedo jacket hangs to one side with the swanky shirt and there's the cool gem for the shirt if I haven't lost it already.  I think it's in the Gem Box (i.e. rechargeable batteries).

(Ed:  why the Gem Box?)

Because the Vegemite Jar is for guitar picks, see?

(Ed:  right, of course)

You think I'm kidding, Mac?

(Ed:  I know you're not but I also know it's best not to ask why a Vegemite Jar is needed for guitar picks.)

The "Fashion Is My Life" scene has to happen relatively soon because this place is so dark normally it makes a morgue look colorful and festive.  The object is to film with available light rather than cranking up all the lasers for colors.  The Galaxy Guitar would look resplendent with that tux and she might even twinkle.

Behold the fashion moment.  So much resplendence, it's almost too much to bear.

There are many negative waves in the current and must keep it straight the current doesn't make things, it only wears them down.

Update:  the light won't work back here and there are some shots for good falling afternoon light in the house but those would be still life.

Still no thought of lasers but there will be some tweaking to get the lights ok to do it since no chance of bounce lighting or anything cool in that way.  By doing this as straight as possible, it can break in all kinds of directions.  Maybe one person thinks it's funny and another thinks it's serious but it's all good either way.

Best to give some more lead time and let the waves settle.  Should be later tonight.

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