Monday, September 12, 2016

Political Roundup

Hillary Clinton couldn't have had a worse weekend if she planned it but she hasn't dropped out yet.  Likely Vegas will post losses if she doesn't do it soon.

Donald Trump barked about something but no-one paid much attention.

Gary Johnson said he can win if the others get as sick as Clinton.

Jill Stein was getting arrested in North Dakota.

See, there's a whole weekend's (cough) news on a roll.

As to who wins, there's no change to the answer: what difference does it make when they're all lunatics.

We like Jill Stein and she may be amused by the irony when the woman candidate who should be in jail is actually in the hospital and the woman candidate who shouldn't be anywhere near a jail is locked-up on a trumped-up charge or at least they want to lock her up in North Dakota.

Save yourself some time; it's not supposed to make sense.  There's been no change although we will defer rolling the reminder from Talking Heads.

Cadillac Man, what happens when Clinton finally folds the tent?  Does that make Kaine the new DNC top nag and will Debbie Wasserman Schultz dissolve in a puddle?

Meanwhile, for medical amusement, it's a month since the last biopsies and the sites are finally almost healed.  The regulars have seen multiple previously with much more surgery and there was bitchin' about the itchin' but that passes quickly enough.  These little beggars have gone on now for twice that long and it's been irritating like trying to catch a catfish with a cracker's favorite lure and catching a snapping turtle instead.  Dayum, that's got to hurt.

There was an official confirmation a few days ago as well to say negative for cancer in these ones.  The cutting has gone on since June or July and there is nothing upcoming now, only followups.

There's also News of the Bloods and I'm sure the Mystery Lady remembers the Mayor of Clifton, the G Man, when he talked of the Bloods.  One of the Bloods has just announced his engagement and ain't this a peach.  They get squirmy when I say to go forth and make many babies but you know you get some Old Wheezer Geezer latitude on stuff like that.  Besides, they want to do that anyway, I expect, as the Raven (yah, the Raven) has never been shy about how he would like some little Ravens and Ravenettes about.

So feature The Raven reading the Mowgli stories to those kids.  He's the Theater Man and he's going to scare the living hell out of them ... and they will fookin' love it and remember it forever.  He gets squishy with them too as he knows about Mister Toad and who would want to miss telling about his Wild Ride.  Later The Raven may tell them about his own wild rides ... or not.

Note:  that isn't a lament as I never featured doing that in my own set but I remember my ol' Dad grandstanding with Rikki Tiki Tavi and he had big fun with it.

Sometimes 'all over the place' isn't so terrible but the point is well-taken, Mystery Lady, since nothing else makes sense but I would like at least some measure of eutaxy (the Word of the Day and I cain't hep mahself) or order in Ithaka.

In the quoted example it said there was eutaxy in Heaven but we expect there would be.  It's God's house and likely he will want some sense of order.  That also implies (sob) it's impossible anywhere else but we valiantly try here at Ithaka nevertheless.

As to any change in the vibe of Ithaka lately, Mystery Lady, that's you and I'm appreciative of it.  This fits better or some such but get some damn recording happening.  That's long and involved so no need for a big deal but it comes.


Cadillac Man said...

Get ready for David Dukes in a cabinet position.

Unknown said...

Nothing would surprise me about this circus now unless someone gets an endorsement from space aliens. It seems there's no way they can make it worse and yet, bingo, someone does.

My vote now is to start over to try again when people want to take it seriously.

Anonymous said...

Isnt Jill Stein an anti vaxxer if so that pretty much ends any credibility she might have had

Unknown said...

I've heard mutterings to that effect but nothing confirmed. That would be a giant size problem given good positions on other things but a killer in this one. Some stuff can slide, maybe, but I've got a real grind going for lackadaisical or malicious treatment of children.

Nope, regardless of other positions, I couldn't accept that one. Anti-vaxx is representative of a whole lot of bad medicine.

Anonymous said...

She isnt a big anti vaxxer but supports some of thier questions and wants non pharma people running the controls
Strange since I thought she taught at Harvard

Unknown said...

I would need significant clarification from her on exactly what that means before I could support. The Luddism behind it is a huge concern. I'm not sure if Boomers are really the only ones who come off as experts on every damn thing, tho. The who needs doctors, who needs scientists thinking seems more pervasive than that.