Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Elections Are When the History is Forgotten

The historical information Cadillac Man knows deeply is altogether forgotten during elections and much of the time in-between so this must be an extraordinary frustration for him.

One easy example is how George Bush did various things and Barack Obama did various things.  The typical approach in this election has been the GOP pitch in which Bush did good things while Obama does bad things and then the neoDem wastrels do it the other way around.

The reality is there's almost no difference between the things either of them did, at least in terms of foreign policy, and this is why Obama is regarded as a betrayer (along with Clinton) by traditional Democrats.  That ain't no Democrat, he ain't even that much of a Republican.

So what's a Cadillac Man to do and if your next answer is to go down to the soda shop then you're close.  It's about time for a call to see how that progresses and maybe he even has pics.  I won't take the soda shop diversion just now even when it's a good one.  The topic is evaporating history or whitewashing it and you can see that all over the place.

The 9/11 observation on Sunday is an immediate example since the far right is demanding a single focus on the destruction of a couple of buildings and the horror, the horror.  That focus is to the express exclusion of anything related to that attack in terms of any cause and effect.  The attempt is to liken that to the Pearl Harbor attack but likely at least some of you are familiar with the peek-a-boo fiasco which permitted that to happen.  Note:  there is no attempt or desire to turn that around as America's fault but the background diplomatic / military approach was wildly incompetent.

There's no intention to list precedents to 9/11 since that's the same malicious game conservatives like to play because they know there's no end to it.  Once finger pointing starts, it can continue without limit until you finally get back to, well, why did anyone create Israel in the first place.  I'm aware of the horror for Jews in trying to get to Israel before the state was defined and we can go into detail about there being no good guys but, again, that's just more finger pointing.

The fact is 9/11 really sucked and no-one wants to see anything of that nature happen here again.  However, the reaction to it is the desire in some to blow off a nuke over any place which even looks like ISIS in the Middle East.

Say what?

ISIS had nothing to do with 9/11 and now we're back to rewriting / whitewashing history for convenience.  al Qaeda was terrorism and blew up 9/11.  ISIS is terrorism so they are therefore guilty as well even though they had not even been conceived yet.

That's not history, it doesn't even make sense.

It all dances with the current Pentagon vogue of, oh well, nukes weren't so bad and we could probably use them on, say, a limited tactical basis.  The true history is there were instances of a person's shadow being burned into the sidewalk by the Hiroshima blast but, hey, that wasn't so bad.  Will you tell me that shadow came from a combatant and how would you even know.

So what's Cadillac Man to do as he knows the material backwards and forwards yet no-one wants to hear it because they make these chimerical fabrications.  That's a cool thing when it's about Mickey Mouse making magic in "Fantasia" but it isn't worth a damn for any reasoned move toward the future without destroying it before anyone ever gets there.

We want the future and we want it now because you ain't even coming close to tasting chimerical until you see us do it and Mystery Lady does it in every color you can imagine.


Cadillac Man said...

'That's history'. We've all heard it and said it. It is frustrating to hear candidates at election time speak as though they can wave a wand and chimerically create change. History is relevant when used as a map to the future based on relevant empirical data. Let's avoid the mistakes of the past and repeat success as we move forward.

History shows that American politicians will promise whatever they think the American people want to get elected. History also shows that the American people must demand of the political system what they want. We cannot expect the promises to chimerically be delivered. When we the American people say 'Yes we Can', then we will make America greater (Historically and currently we are already a great country).

It is frustrating that we as a country are at a crossroads, yet don't have the current or likely future leadership to inspire confidence in direction. History suggests Americans perform best when in a crisis (i.e.:American Revolution, Civil War, World War II). It would be preferable to see our leadership direct us away from war and towards peacetime accomplishments. Perhaps the geatest American accomplishment in my lifetime was the goal to put a man on the moon. John Kennedy set it as a goal and Americans did it within a decade. Perhaps we need a candidate that will promise to get an American on Mars. Elon Musk?

Unknown said...

Nice use of 'chimerically' in a sentence (larfs).

I strongly agree on humans anywhere need challenges or we drop into malaise and endless ennui. For some while it's been portrayed the biggest challenge is military to defend freedom, etc, etc but that's a predictable from people who do military things. That people do not currently see 'winning the peace' as a suitable challenge is the general frustration but that falls again to people who don't respond to anything empirical and, as you say, only want to hear what they want.

Elon Musk is one of the most unusual characters around and he's definitely a leader but hopefully not a politician. It would be excellent to see some pols take inspiration from him as I've quoted that example about Kennedy and the Moon multiple times because people did rise to that challenge and were diggin' it all the way.

There's blather from both sides about 'greatness' but that period was highly great within that context as obviously other aspects weren't too great. That was back when America was so innocent it really believed the Pentagon wouldn't turn space into yet another idiotic shooting gallery.