Sunday, November 8, 2015

Twitticisms 11/8 - 1

11-08-2015 05:31:44 - AI: ‘Homo sapiens will be split into a handful of gods and the rest of us’ - They must read my blog
11-08-2015 05:30:10 - Maggie Smith: acting still fills me with terror - One of the greatest actors - Huge admiration
11-08-2015 05:28:29 - I have been reborn as a phone-sex goddess - bragging about hooking - must be a Jenner
11-08-2015 05:20:52 - First review of Trump on SNL said it was 'an hour of torture' because SNL usually isn't funny anyway and same with Trump.
11-08-2015 00:19:09 - The next Mac could look like this - not simple fanboy hype - interesting read via @CNNMoney
11-08-2015 00:00:19 - Easiest solution for pollution of autoplay videos: turn off the sound and use it when you need it. Let them play their stupid videos.
11-07-2015 22:54:46 - If conservatives had the same standards for white and black people, Brian Williams would be running for President.
11-07-2015 22:30:39 - Ithaka Blog: "Phase IV" - Worst Sci-Fi Movie Evah: The reason for watching is intelligent ants attack humans a...
11-07-2015 21:08:48 - #MyYouthIn5Words Jimi Hendrix was still alive

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