Friday, September 20, 2013

What's Hot on the Blog

This really cracks me up as what I'm seeing is that Germans are very much afraid of sharks.  The probability of being chewed by a Great White Shark in the Mediterranean is not very high but it was a big surprise to me to learn of breeding populations of them in that region.  Who knows what they eat but it usually isn't people.  I think it's about a dozen people who have been chewed in the last hundred years.  If you want to be afraid of something in Mediterranean waters, it ought to be jellyfish as they're all over the place and thousands of people get stung by them each year.

Many Germans go on holiday to Greece and lots of Greeks go to Germany for work.  Maybe the Greeks in Germany tell the Germans to look out for the sharks just to screw with them.  Greeks are very funny people.

I do like seeing the enthusiasm for the article on Greek Highway Monuments as it took a bit of time to put that one together and thousands of people have read it.

Um, yes, I am killing time waiting for the courier.  Why do you ask.

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