Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's Not Just Bagpipes Anymore

Something I admired tremendously about Greek traditional music is they don't simply repeat music from old days but they keep it alive and keep it growing.  And so it is with a Scottish Highland band, Peatbog Faeries.  If you expect to hear them doing yet another version of "Amazing Grace" on the pipes, guess again.  This band is doing traditional music but it is very much live, not in that it was recorded in front of an audience but rather that it is living.  (Reverbnation:  Peatbog Faeries)

Thanks to my cuz for the link as she passed it to Cat and Cat passed it to me.

In case you don't know anything about a peat bog, take a look at the Wiki.  Cat asked me what is a peat bog and I knew it was kind of a swamp but that was about it.  The Wiki has the rest of the story.  (Wiki:  Bogs)

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